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WISE EARS!<sup>®</sup> News Logo

March 2001

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New Press

New Choices Magazine Promotes Hearing Protection
"40 Ways to Stay Healthy," the title for the cover story in New Choices, a Reader's Digest publication, included information on preventing noise-induced hearing loss as item number 11.

New Reporting Data

"Bang! Boom! Buzzzzz!" our rural health matte feature release, has generated 72 newspaper articles in 13 states with a readership of 6,428,928. As of February 27, 2001, 50% of placements were from the top 50 markets and 33% from the second 50 markets. This is triple the readership we reported to you in January.

"Consejos de Salud," our WISE EARS!® tips piece, has taken off in Spanish. So far, the release has generated 16 newspaper articles with a readership of 1,882,880. Approximately 25% of the placements were from the top 50 markets and 50% from the second 50 markets. The readership on this piece has more than doubled since January.


New Activities

NIDCD Launches New Healthy People 2010 Web Page
Next month, NIDCD will unveil a new Healthy People 2010 web page designed to provide information on progress towards reaching the goals and objectives of this national health agenda. We are encouraging the public to participate through interactive elements of the page. Visitors can access a calendar of hearing-related conferences and meetings; get the latest hearing statistics, fact sheets, and booklets; and link to NIDCD's complete online Resource Directory database. You will be able to find the page this spring on the NIDCD's web site at In the meantime, you can read more about Healthy People 2010 at

WISE EARS!® Exhibits at Major Conferences
In February, NIDCD exhibited at the National Hearing Conservation Association meeting in Raleigh, North Carolina, offering information on hearing conservation issues to about 300 participants. In March, we participated in the National Council on Aging meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana. In April, we plan to take WISE EARS!® information to the American Academy of Audiology meeting in San Diego, California.

WISE EARS!® Owl Is Registered
The WISE EARS!® owl is now a registered service mark. NIDCD is listed as the owner of the mark and is entitled to use the mark nationwide. We will begin to place an R in a circle next to the owl to identify and distinguish the source of our service from other services. The application to register the slogan WISE EARS!® as a service mark is in process. Until the slogan actually becomes registered, we are not able to use the R in a circle next to it. Therefore, we will begin to place SM in a circle next to it until it is registered to indicate that we claim rights to the mark. All of this 'legalese' means we've staked out our territory, and it is protected. You'll be getting more details from us later this spring.

American Indian Outreach Effort
NIDCD called a working group in February to discuss WISE EARS!® and other NIDCD health-education outreach efforts and possible collaborations with agencies and organizations that have American Indian programmatic responsibilities or constituencies. Among the invited members of the group were representatives of the Indian Health Service, the Administration for Children and Families, the National Indian Education Association, the U.S. Department of Education, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and the National Indian School Board Association. The group plans to advise the NIDCD on the most effective and efficient ways to conduct health education outreach to American Indian communities and individuals.

WISE EARS!® Materials Update
Liven up your next health fair or exhibit with our new WISE EARS!® tabletop display. The colorful display features "dB" owl and our message on hearing protection. This display is now reserved specifically for use by coalition members who want to spread the word about hearing protection at health fairs and exhibits. To reserve it for your next meeting, please contact our office at (301) 496-7243.

New Deadline for SEPA Grants
Since the November 2000 newsletter, several of you have asked about SEPA (Science Education Partnership Award) grants from NIH's National Center for Research Resources. NCRR expects to announce a new deadline of October 1 for submission of grant applications. Domestic organizations that have a scientific and/or educational mission are welcome to submit applications. These awards encourage active biomedical and/or behavioral scientists to work as partners with educators, media experts, community leaders and other interested organizations on projects to improve student and public understanding of the health sciences. To learn more, contact Dr. Robert F. Hendrickson at NCRR on (301) 435-0760.


New Partners

WISE EARS!® Welcomes the NIH Office of Research Services
The ORS is the third largest organization at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), employing approximately 1,400 people, many of whom do active carpentry and grounds maintenance. The office provides basic support services for NIH Institutes such as facilities management and maintenance, building renovation and construction, utilities management, environmental protection, and occupational safety. ORS employees and contractors will receive and distribute information on hearing protection via newsletters, bulletin boards, and presentations.


News From You

The House Ear Institute (HEI) has been very busy working to prevent noise-induced hearing loss. This January, they distributed 10,000 earplugs and pamphlets at the National Association of Music Merchants trade show. They also met with corporate professionals who may partner with them in their "Sound Partner" program. Several editors from pro-audio trade publications agreed to work with them on articles to help increase awareness of NIHL. In mid-February, Los Angeles' UPN 13 interviewed HEI audiologist, Andy Vermiglio, for an investigative report about noise in the environment and hearing loss. Also, KZLA-FM taped an interview with HEI spokesperson, Dilys Jones, on tinnitus and environmental noise. The interview aired on February 18. HEI will be launching an updated web site in a couple of months. Don't forget to click on The site features information on many hearing health topics and includes a pressroom with news on scientific breakthroughs, conferences, and events.

The Madigan Army Medical Center (MAMC) in Tacoma, Washington, is planning two health education activities in May. On May 18, they will hold a Military Retiree Health Fair for more than 900 employees. There will be about 60 clinics and organizations participating. Activities will include hearing tests, patient education, and displays. MAMC is also planning an "Operation Bang" education program in May for local elementary students. Students will get information on the effects of noise and the importance of hearing conservation. WISE EARS!® materials will be distributed at both events. You can visit their web site at

The AARP is publishing a new, bimonthly, baby-boomer magazine called My Generation. The first boomers started turning age 55 in January. This will be an important publication for relaying our WISE EARS!® message. The new magazine provides information on health and finances, as well as career and personal relationships. Eye the premiere issue on-line at You can read the articles, take polls, and participate in discussions.

The 6th Annual International Noise Awareness Day is scheduled for April 25, 2001, courtesy of the League for the Hard of Hearing (LHH). Communities can participate by holding a town meeting to "sound off on noise," displaying International Noise Awareness Day materials and posters, distributing fact sheets to local public officials, attending public meetings, and meeting with town or city officials to educate them about the hazards of noise. LHH is also providing information to the public on free hearing screening. "Our lives grow noisier with each passing decade," says Nancy Nadler, Director of the Noise Center. "From personal stereo systems and video arcades to leaf blowers and noisy toys, we are all at risk." To learn more about ways to participate, visit the LHH Noise Center at

The Laborers' Health and Safety Fund of North America is busy working to prevent noise-induced hearing loss at work sites across the country. They've published several new pamphlets on hearing protection including a guide for laborers in construction, a health risk guide for Native Americans, a publication on noise and your job, and other general safety and health publications. To learn more visit their Web site at

Virginia Merrill Bloedel Hearing Research Center at University of Washington will hold its annual Ears Hearing and Beyond conference on April 7, 2001. This FREE, one-day conference is for the general public and includes talks, panel discussions, and exhibits. The conference is for anyone interested in knowing more about hearing, hearing loss, hearing aids, cochlear implants, and assistive devices. To learn more, visit

For more information, contact the NIDCD Information Clearinghouse.


National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. Celebrating 20 years of research: 1988 to 2008