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LHNCBC: The Communications Engineering Branch (CEB) Releases A Newly Designed DocMorph Web Site!
What's New: The Communications Engineering Branch Releases A Newly Designed DocMorph Web Site!

JULY, 2004


On July 21, 2004, the Communications Engineering Branch released its newly designed DocMorph Web site featuring the DocMorph and MyMorph document conversion tools. The DocMorph Web site and MyMorph software are two conversion tools that allow users to convert more than 50 types of files into alternative, usable formats. The DocMorph Web site allows users to convert files into PDF, TIFF, text, and synthesized speech. The free, downloadable MyMorph software allows users to mass migrate files to PDF only.

The newly designed site features the updated NLM banner and an easy to follow menu bar. All the pages have been re-worked and re-written with the user in mind.

Please feel free to send feedback regarding the new Web site to Frank Walker.