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Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD) Program (R25)

IMSD is a student development program for institutions with research-intensive environments. The goal of the program is to increase the number of students from underrepresented groups in biomedical and behavioral research who complete Ph.D. degrees in these fields. The program offers an opportunity to develop new or expand existing effective academic developmental programs, including student research internships, in order to prepare students from underrepresented groups for competitive research careers and leadership positions in the biomedical or behavioral sciences.

IMSD grants are institutional awards. Applications may be submitted by domestic public/state institutions of higher education, and private institutions of higher education that have a significant number of mentors with NIH or other extramural research support. The institution must award the baccalaureate and/or doctoral degree in the biomedical or behavioral sciences with a significant number of full-time matriculated students from groups underrepresented in these fields.

An applicant institution may apply for and hold only one IMSD grant. The total requested project period for these awards may not exceed 5 years. Awards are renewable. While there are no budgetary caps for this award, all requested costs must be reasonable, well documented, and fully justified and commensurate with the scope of the proposed program. For additional information about IMSD awards, see the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts, February 18, 2009 (PAR-09-104), or call Dr. Alberto Rivera-Rentas at 301-594-3900.

IMSD Supplemental Instructions for Noncompeting Progress Report

IMSD Participating Institutions

IMSD Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

This page last updated April 22, 2009