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Learn More about the National Flood Risk Management Program



The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) established the National Flood Risk Management Program in May 2006 for the purpose of integrating and synchronizing USACE flood risk management programs and activities, both internally and with counterpart activities of the Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), other Federal agencies, state organizations and regional and local agencies.  

What are the Vision and Mission of the National Flood Risk Management Program?

Vision:  To lead collaborative, comprehensive and sustainable national flood risk management to protect the public and reduce flood damages to our country.

Mission:  To integrate and synchronize the ongoing, diverse flood risk management projects, programs and authorities of the US Army Corps of Engineers both internally and with counterpart projects, programs and authorities of FEMA, other Federal agencies, state organizations and regional and local agencies.

Why do we need a National Flood Risk Management Program?

In the United States, the responsibility for managing flood risks is shared across the Federal, state and local levels of government and the private sector.  In the absence of continuous collaboration, conflicting policies, programs and interests from multiple layers of government can work at cross purposes and undermine efforts to improve flood risk management, nationwide.  It is the long term objective of USACE to work through the National Flood Risk Management Program with other Federal agencies, state and local governments and agencies, and the private sector to develop a national flood risk management strategy that eliminates such conflicts and takes advantage of all opportunities for collaboration. 

What organizations are involved in the National Flood Risk Management Program?

The Flood Risk Management Program is administered under the direction of USACE Director of Civil Works.  However, fulfilling the mission of the Program requires continuous communication with representatives of other Federal and non-Federal government organizations. To date, key players in these discussions have included FEMA and members of organizations representing state and local governments, including the Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM) and the National Association of Storm and Floodwater Management Agencies (NAFSMA). 

What types of activities is USACE undertaking as part of the National Flood Risk Management Program?  

  • Conducting an inventory and assessment of 13,000 miles of levees nationwide that are part of a USACE project or are inspected as part of a USACE program.
  • Cooperating with FEMA to notify owners of levees that pose a threat to public safety based on past inspection results.
  • Working with communities to identify options to remediate deficient levees or otherwise address the resulting public safety hazards.
  • Providing ongoing support of both FEMA regions and levee owners at the USACE district level by providing data for the flood mapping studies and information to communities affected by efforts to update flood maps under FEMA’s MapMod Program.
  • Collaborating with FEMA to develop levee certification guidance for USACE Districts and FEMA Regions.
  • Developing a consistent inspection methodology and procedures to strengthen the USACE Inspection of Completed Works Program (ICW), under which USACE constructed levees are inspected.
  • Conducting quarterly meetings of FEMA and USACE leadership to ensure that the two agencies maintain complementary policies and practices as the FEMA MapMod Program and USACE Flood Risk Management Program progress.
  • Cooperating with FEMA and other Federal agencies through the Silver Jackets Program to create interagency teams at the state level to develop and implement solutions to state natural hazard priorities.
  • Supporting and participating in policy research and discussion forums to develop policy proposals for improving national flood risk management.
  • Working with FEMA to jointly develop a risk communication plan to convey the purpose and specifics of ongoing activities to improve levee safety, including MapMod, a strengthened ICW program and the levee inventory and risk assessment.

Overview of the Flood Risk Management Program

More Information on the Flood Risk Management Program:

  • Silver Jackets - Many Agencies, One Solution
    An October 2006 Status report on the Silver Jackets Program. This Report describes the Program's goals and objectives, current activities and accomplishments and future plans
    Silver Jackets - Many Agencies, One Solution(pdf, 492 KB)
  • The Silver Jackets Program
    A handout providing a description of the Silver Jackets Program, including its goals and objectives
    The Silver Jackets Program(pdf, 102 KB)
  • FEMA Regions and USACE boundaries
    A map delineating the boundaries of USACE Districts and Divisions and FEMA Regions
    FEMA Regions and USACE boundaries(jpg, 2.69 MB)
  • USACE-FEMA Boundaries
    An alternate map illustrating USACE Division and District boundaries and FEMA Region boundaries
    USACE-FEMA Boundaries(pdf, 2.96 MB)



Revised 9/4/2007

National Flood Risk Management Program