Hurricane Katrina's One-Year Anniversary 

From Disaster Toward Recovery

Release Date: August 21, 2006
Release Number: 1603-073Factsheet

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By the Numbers

FEMA Recovery Update for Hurricane Katrina

Louisiana Statistics through August 17, 2006

3 Hurricane Katrina was the third strongest hurricane to make landfall in the United States . Hurricane Wilma was the strongest and the Labor Day Hurricane of 1935 was second strongest.
12 At the peak of the disaster, 12 mobile DRCs were operating.
32 Currently, 32 families are living in hotels/motels.
59 At the beginning of the disaster, there were 59 f ixed DRCs.
150 Currently, 150 housing inspectors are in the field to assess damage to homes.
12,400 U.S. Small Business Administration has approved more than 12,400 disaster assistance loans to businesses and non-profit organizations.
72,360 SBA has approved 72,360 loans to renters and homeowners.
418,000 More than 418,000 Louisianians currently hold National Flood Insurance policies.
950,000 DRC staff has provided, in-person, assistance to more than 950,000 households.
1 million More than 1 million inspections have been completed to date.
$1.3 billion SBA has approved a total of $1.3 billion in loans to business owners.
1.4 million More than 1.4 million applicants have registered for housing and other needs assistance.
45.6 million The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, along with private contractors working for some Louisiana parishes, have removed more than 45.6 million cubic yards of debris under a FEMA-funded mission assignment.
$725 million FEMA approved $725 million in Community Disaster Loans to help keep essential services operating in communities hardest hit by Hurricane Katrina.
$4.7 billion More than $4.7 billion in SBA loans has been approved for renters and homeowners.
$5.1 billion More than $5.1 billion have been provided to applicants in housing assistance and other needs assistance.
$13.2 billion More than $13.2 billion has been paid under NFIP to policyholders in Louisiana .

FEMA manages federal response and recovery efforts following any national incident. FEMA also initiates mitigation activities, works with state and local emergency managers, and manages the National Flood Insurance Program. FEMA became part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security on March 1, 2003

Last Modified: Wednesday, 23-Aug-2006 14:17:15