FEMA Approves $689 Thousand In Grant Funds For Three Chase County Communities 

Release Date: February 24, 2000
Release Number: R7-00-02

» 2000 Region VII News Releases

Kansas City, MO February 24, 2000 -- The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) today announced that more than $689 thousand ($689,057) in federal funds has been made available to the Chase County communities of Cedar Point, Elmdale and Strong City for projects that will reduce the risks of future flood losses.

These federal funds are available as a result of the Presidential disaster declarations for October and November 1998 flooding that occurred in the state of Kansas.

John Miller, director of FEMA Region VII in Kansas City, said that the funds are provided through FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Grant Program and Unmet Needs Program. The approved projects involve the voluntary acquisition of 46 residential structures that have had a history of flooding.

"FEMA's goal is to help reduce the potential of future flood damage and the corresponding human suffering," Miller said. "Many Kansas communities are striving to develop disaster resistant communities and we applaud them for their efforts."

The locations and the approved projects are: 
Location  Approved Project Cost of Approved Project

Cedar Point  Acquisition of three residences  $47, 925
Elmdale Acquisition of 18 residences $269,936 
Strong City Acquisition of 25 residences $371, 196

After the residences are acquired, they will be demolished as a part of the approved project. The land will then be permanently converted for public use, such as municipal open space, recreation areas or wetlands.

"The approval of these projects resulted from a cooperative effort with the communities, the Kansas Division of Emergency Management and FEMA," Miller said. "Removing people from harm's way is an important step in making a community more resistant to damage from future disasters."

The state of Kansas, through the Kansas Division of Emergency Management, and the local communities will administer and disperse the federal funds. The state determines which projects are submitted to FEMA for funding. The local units of government determine the order in which the individual structures are purchased.

FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Grant Program and Unmet Needs Program provide funds for projects that lessen or eliminate the loss of lives and property in future disasters.

Last Modified: Monday, 15-Dec-2003 12:35:15