Derby, Vermont Awarded Hazard Mitigation Funding 

Release Date: August 11, 2000
Release Number: R1-00-43

Boston, MA -- The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Governor Howard Dean, M.D., announced that the Town of Derby, Vermont will receive $78,000 through the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). The grant money, plus a $26,000 local match, will provide funding for the West Street Slope Restoration project.

The Town of Derby has proposed a project to stabilize the slopes along West Street to address the recurrent washout conditions. Currently, during large storm events and snowmelt, the upper and lower banks along West Street erodes, taking out portions of the road. The project consists of replacing as much poor soil as possible with erosion stone to make the banks erosion resistant.

Governor Howard Dean indicated that this grant for Derby was particularly timely in light of the recent storms that damaged a number of Vermont communities this month. "Too often these past few years we are seeing Vermont communities suffer from damaging storms and floods. We recognize that mitigation and building disaster-resistant communities will reduce hardships and taxpayers' valuable dollars during recovery. Many Vermont communities have adopted transportation codes and standards this past year to ensure that in the future we build and rebuild better to help us break the damage-repair-damage cycle. This project in Derby is a good example of how serious Vermonters are about prevention."

"FEMA is working closely with the State of Vermont to assist communities like Derby to mitigate against future effects of natural disasters," stated Setti D. Warren, Regional Director for FEMA Region I in Boston. "These mitigation projects stop the cycle of damage and repair for communities that are continually being affected by storm conditions and are especially timely in light of the recent heavy rain and flooding that Vermont has experienced," added Warren.

FEMA's HMGP Program is administered by the State, and it provides funding to communities for the implementation of cost-effective measures to reduce the risk of damage and loss of life due to natural hazards following a Presidentially declared disaster. Federal funding is provided in the amount of 75% the total project cost, with a 25% match being provided by the community.

Last Modified: Wednesday, 12-Nov-2003 15:50:22