North Dakota Flooding 

Release Date: May 12, 1999
Release Number: HQ-99-171

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Spring flooding problems continue in North Dakota. Local officials report flooded roads and related damage in several counties. Sagging roadbeds are impacting traffic flow, particularly school buses. There is some concern in rural areas about the ability for emergency vehicles to respond to calls.

At least 15 houses near Devils Lake are threatened by rising water. FEMA officials from the regional office in Denver, Colo. (Region VIII) are compiling data on the rising water of Devils Lake and its potential impact on structures in the surrounding area. The results will be used to determine long-range mitigation strategies.

Local disaster declarations have been issued in Benson, Bottineau, Grand Forks, McHenry, LaMoure, Nelson, Pembina, Pierce, Ramsey, Ransom, Renvile, Rolette, Stutsman and Walsh counties.

Last Modified: Wednesday, 11-Feb-2004 12:56:14