Winter Storms Can Be Dangerous Too 

Release Date: January 10, 2000
Release Number: 1292-158

» More Information on North Carolina Hurricane Floyd & Irene

RALEIGH, N.C. -- Recovery officials for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the North Carolina Emergency Management Division (NCEMD) warned Carolinians today that winter storms, too, can be hazardous and present life-threatening situations if people are not alert and careful.

Snow and ice storms can drop visibility to near zero and create extremely perilous, slick driving conditions. They also may lead to extended power failures and loss of other services and strand people at home.

The disaster recovery team from FEMA and NCEMD for Hurricane Floyd and subsequent storms and flooding recommends taking steps to minimize the threats posed by winter storms:

For persons still struggling to recover from the 1999 hurricanes and flooding, registration for state and federal assistance is still being accepted. Applications will be accepted through January 18 for persons who suffered losses as a result of those storms at the FEMA hotline, 1-800-462-9029 and TTY 1-800-462-7585. The lines are open from Monday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Last Modified: Thursday, 11-Dec-2003 12:14:02