City of Malibu to Receive $150,000 Grant 

Release Date: July 26, 1999
Release Number: R9-99-15

» 1999 Region IX News Releases

San Francisco, Calif. -- The City of Malibu will receive a grant of $150,000, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Governor's Office of Emergency Services (OES). Coming from FEMA's Flood Mitigation Assistance program, the money is intended for the city's use in reducing the risk of damages from future flooding.

"Malibu's repetitive disasters are well-known," said Dallas Jones, director of OES. "Now the city can be at the forefront with disaster solutions."

"The key," said Martha Whetstone, regional director for FEMA Region IX in San Francisco, "is mitigation: lessening the risk of future damage should be a primary goal of every community. For Malibu, this flood grant is just a part of a means to an end. And that end is to make the city as disaster resistant as possible."

Whetstone credits the close cooperation by city officials and OES in facilitating the federal grant.

Last Modified: Tuesday, 13-Jan-2004 17:14:05