Deadline Friday For Blue Roof Requests 

Release Date: November 11, 2004
Release Number: 1545-182

» More Information on Florida Hurricane Frances
» More Information on Florida Hurricane Jeanne
» More Information on Florida Hurricane Ivan

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Homeowners affected by Hurricanes Frances, Jeanne and Ivan who need temporary plastic sheeting to cover damaged roofs have until 7 p.m. (local time) Friday to apply for the free blue roofs, state and federal recovery officials announced today.

The number to call is 1-888-ROOF-BLU (1-888-766-3258). Callers will hear recorded instructions on steps to take, based on location and which hurricane damaged their property.

To date, 128,338 blue roofs have been delivered and installed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, volunteer organizations and contract workers.

On March 1, 2003, FEMA became part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. FEMA’s continuing mission within the new department is to lead the effort to prepare the nation for all hazards and effectively manage federal response and recovery efforts following any national incident. FEMA also initiates proactive mitigation activities, trains first responders, and manages the National Flood Insurance Program and the U.S. Fire Administration.

Last Modified: Friday, 12-Nov-2004 10:07:06