Disaster Aid Offered For Tropical Storm Mitch Damages 

Release Date: November 9, 1998
Release Number: 1259-02

» More Information on Florida Tropical Storm Mitch

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- Federal/state now is available to Monroe County residents and business owners under a separate major disaster declaration for damages resulting from Tropical Storm Mitch.

Federal Coordinating Officer Paul W. Fay, Jr., of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) reminded those who suffered damages or losses that yesterday's declaration is a separate emergency from Hurricane Georges.

"Those who have property damages resulting from Mitch should use care in documenting losses, costs and other matters relative to this storm," said Fay. "FEMA and the state will continue to administer our assistance programs for Georges while attending to the requests stemming from Mitch."

State Coordinating Officer Joe Myers of the Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM) said while there are two declarations and two accounting systems residents with damages will use the same phone number to register for aid.

That FEMA toll-free number to register an application is 1-800-462-9029, or 1-800-462-7585 for those with hearing or speech impairments.

To be eligible for Hurricane Georges help, an application must be made by Nov. 27, 1998.

The application deadline for Tropical Storm Mitch will be 60 days from the Nov. 6 declaration.

Myers urged who received damages from the tornadoes and storm waters of Mitch to keep records of their losses and any emergency expenditure paid relative to their property damages. He said photographs of the damages also would assist inspectors who will visit their property following their registration.

The presidential declaration was made following a request for federal aid from Florida's governor. The declaration makes possible grants for temporary housing and minor home repairs to make a home habitable, individual and family grants for necessary expenses for those declared not eligible for a loan and U.S. Small Business Administration low-interest loans.

Also, funding is available for public assistance in Monroe County for debris removal, emergency services, repair or replacement of public facilities and aid for eligible private, non-profit organizations.

Last Modified: Thursday, 15-Jan-2004 10:27:04