[Federal Register: July 23, 2008 (Volume 73, Number 142)]
[Proposed Rules]               
[Page 42744-42755]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]

[[Page 42744]]



Federal Emergency Management Agency

44 CFR Part 67

 [Docket No. FEMA-B-7792]

Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations

AGENCY: Federal Emergency Management Agency, DHS.

ACTION: Proposed rule.


SUMMARY: Comments are requested on the proposed Base (1 percent annual-
chance) Flood Elevations (BFEs) and proposed BFE modifications for the 
communities listed in the table below. The purpose of this notice is to 
seek general information and comment regarding the proposed regulatory 
flood elevations for the reach described by the downstream and upstream 
locations in the table below. The BFEs and modified BFEs are a part of 
the floodplain management measures that the community is required 
either to adopt or show evidence of having in effect in order to 
qualify or remain qualified for participation in the National Flood 
Insurance Program (NFIP). In addition, these elevations, once 
finalized, will be used by insurance agents, and others to calculate 
appropriate flood insurance premium rates for new buildings and the 
contents in those buildings.

DATES: Comments are to be submitted on or before October 21, 2008.

ADDRESSES: The corresponding preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Map 
(FIRM) for the proposed BFEs for each community are available for 
inspection at the community's map repository. The respective addresses 
are listed in the table below.
    You may submit comments, identified by Docket No. FEMA-B-7792, to 
William R. Blanton, Jr., Chief, Engineering Management Branch, 
Mitigation Directorate, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 500 C 
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20472, (202) 646-3151, or (e-mail) 

Engineering Management Branch, Mitigation Directorate, Federal 
Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Street, SW., Washington, DC 20472, 
(202) 646-3151 or (e-mail) bill.blanton@dhs.gov.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Federal Emergency Management Agency 
(FEMA) proposes to make determinations of BFEs and modified BFEs for 
each community listed below, in accordance with section 110 of the 
Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 4104, and 44 CFR 
    These proposed BFEs and modified BFEs, together with the floodplain 
management criteria required by 44 CFR 60.3, are the minimum that are 
required. They should not be construed to mean that the community must 
change any existing ordinances that are more stringent in their 
floodplain management requirements. The community may at any time enact 
stricter requirements of its own, or pursuant to policies established 
by other Federal, State, or regional entities. These proposed 
elevations are used to meet the floodplain management requirements of 
the NFIP and are also used to calculate the appropriate flood insurance 
premium rates for new buildings built after these elevations are made 
final, and for the contents in these buildings.
    Comments on any aspect of the Flood Insurance Study and FIRM, other 
than the proposed BFEs, will be considered. A letter acknowledging 
receipt of any comments will not be sent.
    Administrative Procedure Act Statement. This matter is not a 
rulemaking governed by the Administrative Procedure Act (APA), 5 U.S.C. 
553. FEMA publishes flood elevation determinations for notice and 
comment; however, they are governed by the Flood Disaster Protection 
Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 4105, and the National Flood Insurance Act of 
1968, 42 U.S.C. 4001 et seq., and do not fall under the APA.
    National Environmental Policy Act. This proposed rule is 
categorically excluded from the requirements of 44 CFR part 10, 
Environmental Consideration. An environmental impact assessment has not 
been prepared.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act. As flood elevation determinations are 
not within the scope of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601-
612, a regulatory flexibility analysis is not required.
    Executive Order 12866, Regulatory Planning and Review. This 
proposed rule is not a significant regulatory action under the criteria 
of section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866, as amended.
    Executive Order 13132, Federalism. This proposed rule involves no 
policies that have federalism implications under Executive Order 13132.
    Executive Order 12988, Civil Justice Reform. This proposed rule 
meets the applicable standards of Executive Order 12988.

List of Subjects in 44 CFR Part 67

    Administrative practice and procedure, Flood insurance, Reporting 
and recordkeeping requirements.

    Accordingly, 44 CFR part 67 is proposed to be amended as follows:


    1. The authority citation for part 67 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 42 U.S.C. 4001 et seq.; Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 
1978, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 329; E.O. 12127, 44 FR 19367, 3 CFR, 
1979 Comp., p. 376.

Sec.  67.4  [Amended]

    2. The tables published under the authority of Sec.  67.4 are 
proposed to be amended as follows:

                                                                    * Elevation in feet
                                                                  (NGVD)  + Elevation in
                                                                  feet (NAVD)  
         Flooding source(s)            Location of referenced       Depth in feet above    Communities  affected
                                            elevation **                  ground
                                                                  Effective     Modified
                                 Walton County, Florida, and Incorporated Areas
Bay Branch.........................  At the confluence with             None         +106  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Bruce Creek.                                          of Walton County,
                                                                                            City of Defuniak
                                     Approximately 900 feet             None         +125
                                      upstream of U.S. Highway
Black Creek........................  At County Highway 3280....         None           +7  Unincorporated Areas
                                                                                            of Walton County.
                                     Approximately 1,570 feet           None           +7
                                      upstream of County
                                      Highway 3280.

[[Page 42745]]

Bruce Creek........................  Approximately 1,100 feet           None          +72  Unincorporated Areas
                                      downstream of the                                     of Walton County,
                                      confluence with Mill                                  City of Defuniak
                                      Creek.                                                Springs.
                                     Approximately 6,700 feet           None         +114
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence with Bay
Camp Creek.........................  Approximately 5,400 feet           None           +7  Unincorporated Areas
                                      upstream of the                                       of Walton County.
                                      confluence with Black
                                     At the confluence with             None           +7
                                      Black Creek.
Gum Creek..........................  At the confluence with the         None         +150  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Shoal River.                                          of Walton County.
                                     Approximately 12,700 feet          None         +156
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence with the Shoal
Lafayette Creek....................  At State Highway 20.......         None          +10  Unincorporated Areas
                                                                                            of Walton County,
                                                                                            City of Freeport.
                                     Approximately 4,000 feet           None          +58
                                      upstream of J.W.
                                      Hollington Road.
Mill Creek.........................  At the confluence with             None          +73  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Bruce Creek.                                          of Walton County.
                                     Approximately 75 feet              None         +146
                                      upstream of Edgewood
Mill Creek Unnamed Tributary.......  At the confluence with             None         +124  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Mill Creek.                                           of Walton County.
                                     Approximately 200 feet             None         +175
                                      upstream of Edgewood
Pate Branch........................  At the confluence with             None           +7  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Camp Creek.                                           of Walton County.
                                     Approximately 3,900 feet           None           +7
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence with Camp
Shoal River........................  At the Okaloosa/Walton             None         +111  Unincorporated Areas
                                      County boundary.                                      of Walton County.
                                     At the confluence with Gum         None         +150
* National Geodetic Vertical Datum.
+ North American Vertical Datum.
 Depth in feet above ground.

** BFEs to be changed include the listed downstream and upstream BFEs, and include BFEs located on the stream
 reach between the referenced locations above. Please refer to the revised Flood Insurance Rate Map located at
 the community map repository (see below) for exact locations of all BFEs to be changed.

Send comments to William R. Blanton, Jr., Chief, Engineering Management Branch, Mitigation Directorate, Federal
 Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Street, SW., Washington, DC 20472.


City of Defuniak Springs
Maps are available for inspection at Defuniak Springs City Hall, 71 U.S. Highway 90 West, Defuniak Springs, FL.

City of Freeport
Maps are available for inspection at Town of Freeport Planning and Zoning Department, 112 Highway 20 West,
 Freeport, FL.

                                      Unincorporated Areas of Walton County

Maps are available for inspection at Walton County Planning and Development Department, South Walton County
 Courthouse Annex, 31 Coastal Centre Boulevard, Santa Rosa Beach, FL.
                                 Catoosa County, Georgia, and Incorporated Areas
Hurricane Creek....................  Approximately 660 feet             None         +824  Unincorporated Areas
                                      downstream of Cherokee                                of Catoosa County.
                                      Valley Road.
                                     At confluence of Johnson           None         +825
Johnson Branch.....................  At confluence with                 None         +825  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Hurricane Creek.                                      of Catoosa County.
                                     Approximately 840 feet             None         +827
                                      upstream of confluence
                                      with Hurricane Creek.
Tributary No. 1 to Black Branch....  Approximately 600 feet             None         +715  City of Fort
                                      upstream of Elaine Circle.                            Oglethorpe.
                                     Approximately 750 feet             None         +716
                                      upstream of Elaine Circle.
* National Geodetic Vertical Datum.
+ North American Vertical Datum.
 Depth in feet above ground.

** BFEs to be changed include the listed downstream and upstream BFEs, and include BFEs located on the stream
 reach between the referenced locations above. Please refer to the revised Flood Insurance Rate Map located at
 the community map repository (see below) for exact locations of all BFEs to be changed.

[[Page 42746]]

Send comments to William R. Blanton, Jr., Chief, Engineering Management Branch, Mitigation Directorate, Federal
 Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Street, SW., Washington, DC 20472.


City of Fort Oglethorpe
Maps are available for inspection at City Hall, 500 City Hall Drive, Fort Oglethorpe, GA 30747.

                                     Unincorporated Areas of Catoosa County

Maps are available for inspection at 800 Lafayette Street, Ringgold, GA 30736.
                                  Delaware County, Iowa, and Incorporated Areas
Maquoketa River....................  Approximately 750 feet             None         +919  Unincorporated Areas
                                      downstream of U.S.                                    of Delaware County.
                                      Highway 20.
                                     Approximately 525 feet             None         +920
                                      upstream of U.S. Highway
                                     Approximately 0.89 mile            None         +935
                                      upstream of West Main
                                     Approximately 1.55 miles           None         +936
                                      upstream of West Main
* National Geodetic Vertical Datum.
+ North American Vertical Datum.
 Depth in feet above ground.

** BFEs to be changed include the listed downstream and upstream BFEs, and include BFEs located on the stream
 reach between the referenced locations above. Please refer to the revised Flood Insurance Rate Map located at
 the community map repository (see below) for exact locations of all BFEs to be changed.

Send comments to William R. Blanton, Jr., Chief, Engineering Management Branch, Mitigation Directorate, Federal
 Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Street, SW., Washington, DC 20472.


                                     Unincorporated Areas of Delaware County

Maps are available for inspection at 301 East Main Street, Manchester, IA 52057.
                              Gates County, North Carolina, and Incorporated Areas
Acorn Hill Millpond................  Approximately 0.5 mile             None          +20  Unincorporated Areas
                                      downstream of U.S.                                    of Gates County.
                                      Highway 158.
                                     Approximately 1.0 mile             None          +32
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence with Acorn
                                      Hill Millpond Tributary 1.
Beaverdam Creek....................  Approximately 0.8 mile             None          +12  Unincorporated Areas
                                      downstream of confluence                              of Gates County.
                                      of Beaverdam Creek
                                      Tributary 1.
                                     Approximately 1.4 miles            None          +44
                                      upstream of Saunders Road
                                      (State Road 1208).
Beaverdam Creek Tributary 1........  At the confluence with             None          +19  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Beaverdam Creek.                                      of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 500 feet             None          +24
                                      downstream of Saunders
                                      Road (State Road 1208).
Beaverdam Creek Tributary 2........  At the confluence with             None          +28  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Beaverdam Creek.                                      of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 0.7 mile             None          +34
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence with Beaverdam
Beaverdam Creek Tributary 3........  At the confluence with             None          +31  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Beaverdam Creek.                                      of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 0.9 mile             None          +38
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence of Beaverdam
Bennetts Creek.....................  Approximately 3.0 miles            None           +7  Unincorporated Areas
                                      upstream of the                                       of Gates County,
                                      confluence with Chowan                                Town of Gatesville.
                                     At the confluence of                +26          +19
                                      Harrell Swamp and Raynor
Bennetts Creek Tributary 1.........  At the confluence with             None           +7  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Bennetts Creek.                                       of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 1.5 miles            None          +12
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence with Bennetts
                                      Creek Tributary 1A.
Bennetts Creek Tributary 10........  At the confluence with             None          +19  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Bennetts Creek.                                       of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 0.6 mile             None          +37
                                      upstream of Gatlin Road
                                      (State Road 1407).
Bennetts Creek Tributary 1A........  At the confluence with             None           +7  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Bennetts Creek Tributary                              of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 1.2 miles            None          +16
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence with Bennetts
                                      Creek Tributary 1A1.

[[Page 42747]]

Bennetts Creek Tributary 1A1.......  At the confluence with             None           +7  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Bennetts Creek Tributary                              of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 60 feet              None          +11
                                      downstream of Horace
                                      Carter Road (State Road
Bennetts Creek Tributary 2.........  At the confluence with             None           +8  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Bennetts Creek.                                       of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 1.1 miles            None          +12
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence with Bennetts
Bennetts Creek Tributary 3.........  At the confluence with             None          +12  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Bennetts Creek.                                       of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 0.7 mile             None          +36
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence with Bennetts
Bennetts Creek Tributary 4.........  At the confluence with             None          +12  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Bennetts Creek.                                       of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 1.3 miles            None          +24
                                      upstream of U.S. Highway
Bennetts Creek Tributary 4A........  At the confluence with             None          +12  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Bennetts Creek Tributary                              of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 180 feet             None          +31
                                      upstream of U.S. Highway
Bennetts Creek Tributary 4B........  At the confluence with             None          +12  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Bennetts Creek Tributary                              of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 1,750 feet           None          +15
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence with Bennetts
                                      Creek Tributary 4.
Bennetts Creek Tributary 5.........  At the confluence with             None          +12  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Bennetts Creek.                                       of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 0.5 mile             None          +31
                                      upstream of Silver Spring
                                      Road (State Road 1404).
Bennetts Creek Tributary 5A........  At the confluence with             None          +12  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Bennetts Creek Tributary                              of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 0.8 mile             None          +30
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence with Bennetts
                                      Creek Tributary 5.
Bennetts Creek Tributary 6.........  At the confluence with             None          +13  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Bennetts Creek.                                       of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 75 feet              None          +33
                                      downstream of U.S.
                                      Highway 158.
Bennetts Creek Tributary 7.........  At the confluence with             None          +15  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Bennetts Creek.                                       of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 900 feet             None          +20
                                      upstream of Silver Spring
                                      Road (State Road 1404).
Bennetts Creek Tributary 8.........  At the confluence with             None          +15  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Bennetts Creek.                                       of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 650 feet             None          +21
                                      downstream of Silver
                                      Spring Road (Sate Road
Bennetts Creek Tributary 9.........  At the confluence with             None          +15  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Bennetts Creek.                                       of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 600 feet             None          +23
                                      upstream of Gatlin Road
                                      (State Road 1407).
Blackwater River...................  At the confluence with             None          +13  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Chowan River.                                         of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 0.6 mile             None          +13
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence with Chowan
Buckland Mill Branch...............  At the confluence with             None          +23  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Cole Creek And Hackley                                of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 1,600 feet           None          +39
                                      upstream of Gates Bank
                                      Road (State Road 1302).
Buckland Mill Branch Tributary 1...  At the confluence with             None          +28  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Buckland Mill Branch.                                 of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 0.6 mile             None          +31
                                      upstream of Willeytown
                                      Road (State Road 1304).
Buckland Mill Branch Tributary 2...  At the confluence with             None          +29  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Buckland Mill Branch.                                 of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 0.4 mile             None          +40
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence with Buckland
                                      Mill Branch.
Chowan River.......................  Approximately 0.5 mile             None           +7  Unincorporated Areas
                                      upstream of the                                       of Gates County,
                                      confluence with Chowan                                Town of Gatesville.
                                      River Tributary 1.
                                     At the confluence of               None          +13
                                      Blackwater River and
                                      Nottoway River.

[[Page 42748]]

Cole Creek.........................  At the confluence with             None           +7  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Sarem Creek.                                          of Gates County.
                                     At the confluence of               None          +23
                                      Buckland Mill Branch and
                                      Hackley Swamp.
Cole Creek Tributary 1.............  At the confluence with             None           +7  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Cole Creek.                                           of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 0.8 mile             None          +25
                                      upstream of Turner Road
                                      (State Road 1114).
Cole Creek Tributary 2.............  At the confluence with             None           +8  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Cole Creek.                                           of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 780 feet             None          +30
                                      upstream of U.S. Highway
                                      Business 158.
Cole Creek Tributary 3.............  At the confluence with             None           +9  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Cole Creek.                                           of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 0.8 mile             None          +17
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence with Cole
Cole Creek Tributary 4.............  At the confluence with             None          +11  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Cole Creek.                                           of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 0.6 mile             None          +16
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence with Cole
Cole Creek Tributary 5.............  At the confluence with             None          +12  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Cole Creek.                                           of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 550 feet             None          +33
                                      upstream of U.S. Highway
Cole Creek Tributary 6.............  At the confluence with             None          +18  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Cole Creek.                                           of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 375 feet             None          +24
                                      downstream of Cotton Gin
                                      Road (State Road 1315).
Corapeake Swamp....................  Approximately 500 feet             None          +22  Unincorporated Areas
                                      downstream of Daniels                                 of Gates County.
                                      Road (State Road 1332).
                                     At the confluence of               None          +33
                                      Corapeake Swamp Tributary
Corapeake Swamp Tributary 1........  At the confluence with             None          +33  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Corapeake Swamp.                                      of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 0.9 mile             None          +35
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence with Corapeake
Cypress Swamp......................  Just upstream of NC                None          +16  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Highway 137.                                          of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 0.6 mile             None          +16
                                      upstream of NC Highway
Duke Swamp.........................  At the confluence with              +26          +21  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Harrell Swamp.                                        of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 1.5 miles            None          +47
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence with Duke
                                      Swamp Tributary 5.
Duke Swamp Tributary 1.............  At the confluence with             None          +23  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Duke Swamp.                                           of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 0.6 mile             None          +33
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence with Duke
Duke Swamp Tributary 2.............  At the confluence with             None          +24  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Duke Swamp.                                           of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 240 feet             None          +37
                                      downstream of NC Highway
Duke Swamp Tributary 3.............  At the confluence with             None          +25  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Duke Swamp.                                           of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 0.8 mile             None          +28
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence with Duke
Duke Swamp Tributary 4.............  At the confluence with             None          +27  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Duke Swamp.                                           of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 0.8 mile             None          +31
                                      upstream of Union Branch
                                      Road (State Road 1305).
Duke Swamp Tributary 5.............  At the confluence with             None          +37  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Duke Swamp.                                           of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 1,000 feet           None          +49
                                      upstream of Drum Hill
                                      Road (State Road 1308).
Ellis Swamp........................  At the confluence with             None          +22  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Jady Branch.                                          of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 300 feet             None          +22
                                      upstream of Corner High
                                      Road (State Road 1126).
Ellis Swamp Tributary 1............  At the confluence with             None          +22  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Ellis Swamp.                                          of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 1.3 miles            None          +24
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence with Ellis

[[Page 42749]]

Flat Branch........................  At the confluence with             None          +24  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Hackley Swamp.                                        of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 150 feet             None          +34
                                      downstream of U.S.
                                      Highway 13.
Folly Swamp........................  Approximately 1.5 miles            None          +26  Unincorporated Areas
                                      downstream of NC Highway                              of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 1.9 miles            None          +38
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence with Folly
                                      Swamp Tributary 1.
Folly Swamp Tributary 1............  At the confluence with             None          +31  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Folly Swamp.                                          of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 1,750 feet           None          +38
                                      upstream of Maryland Lane.
Goodman Swamp......................  At the confluence with             None          +31  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Duke Swamp.                                           of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 1.3 miles            None          +47
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence of Goodman
                                      Swamp Tributary 2.
Goodman Swamp Tributary 1..........  At the confluence with             None          +34  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Goodman Swamp.                                        of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 0.7 mile             None          +41
                                      upstream of Union Branch
                                      Road (State Road 1305).
Goodman Swamp Tributary 2..........  At the confluence with             None          +36  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Goodman Swamp.                                        of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 1.0 mile             None          +48
                                      upstream of Union Branch
                                      Road (State Road 1305).
Goose Creek........................  Approximately 0.7 mile             None          +25  Unincorporated Areas
                                      downstream of Folly Road                              of Gates County.
                                      (State Road 1002).
                                     Approximately 1.3 miles            None          +36
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence of Goose Creek
                                      Tributary 1.
Goose Creek Tributary 1............  At the confluence with             None          +33  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Goose Creek.                                          of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 0.9 mile             None          +40
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence with Goose
Gum Branch.........................  Approximately 500 feet             None          +11  Unincorporated Areas
                                      upstream of the                                       of Gates County.
                                      confluence with Jady
                                     Approximately 0.8 mile             None          +24
                                      upstream of Taylor Mill
                                      Road (State Road 1118).
Hackley Swamp......................  At the confluence with             None          +23  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Cole Creek and Buckland                               of Gates County.
                                      Mill Branch.
                                     Approximately 0.8 mile             None          +39
                                      upstream of Gates School
                                      Road (State Road 1202).
Hackley Swamp Tributary 1..........  At the confluence with             None          +26  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Hackley Swamp.                                        of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 0.5 mile             None          +33
                                      upstream of Sarem Road
                                      (State Road 1219).
Harrell Swamp......................  At the confluence with              +26          +19  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Bennetts Creek and Raynor                             of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 0.8 mile              +26          +25
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence of Duke Swamp.
Jady Branch........................  Just upstream of NC                None          +19  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Highway 137.                                          of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 0.5 mile             None          +24
                                      upstream of Hill Lane
                                      Road (State Road 1122).
Jernigan Branch....................  At the confluence with             None          +12  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Somerton Creek.                                       of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 3.1 miles            None          +31
                                      upstream of Gatlington
                                      Road (State Road 1302).
Licking Branch.....................  At the confluence with             None          +19  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Jady Branch.                                          of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 0.5 mile             None          +26
                                      upstream of Hill Lane
                                      Road (State Road 1122).
Middle Swamp.......................  At the confluence with             None          +27  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Duke Swamp.                                           of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 0.5 mile             None          +32
                                      upstream of Black Mingle
                                      Road (State Road 1312).
Mill Branch........................  At the confluence with             None          +35  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Buckland Mill Branch.                                 of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 500 feet             None          +47
                                      upstream of Paige Riddick
                                      Road (State Road 1330).
Mill Swamp.........................  Approximately 2.0 miles            None          +28  Unincorporated Areas
                                      downstream of U.S.                                    of Gates County.
                                      Highway 13.

[[Page 42750]]

                                     Approximately 400 feet             None          +48
                                      upstream of Drum Hill
                                      Road (State Road 1308).
Mill Swamp Tributary 1.............  At the North Carolina/             None          +25  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Virginia boundary.                                    of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 0.5 mile             None          +39
                                      upstream of North
Mill Swamp Tributary 2.............  At the confluence with             None          +40  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Mill Swamp.                                           of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 1.3 miles            None          +49
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence with Mill
                                      Swamp Tributary 2A.
Mill Swamp Tributary 2A............  At the confluence with             None          +40  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Mill Swamp Tributary 2.                               of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 800 feet             None          +42
                                      downstream of Paige
                                      Riddick Road (State Road
Mill Swamp Tributary 3.............  At the confluence with             None          +41  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Mill Swamp.                                           of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 950 feet             None          +52
                                      upstream of Mallory Buck
                                      Road (State Road 1309).
Perquimans River...................  Approximately 0.7 mile             None          +11  Unincorporated Areas
                                      downstream of the Gates/                              of Gates County.
                                      Perquimans County
                                     Approximately 390 feet             None          +11
                                      upstream of the Gates/
                                      Perquimans County
Raynor Swamp.......................  At the confluence with              +26          +19  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Bennetts Creek and                                    of Gates County.
                                      Harrell Swamp.
                                     Approximately 0.4 mile             None          +39
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence with Raynor
                                      Swamp Tributary 6.
Raynor Swamp Tributary 1...........  At the confluence with             None          +19  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Raynor Swamp.                                         of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 0.6 mile             None          +36
                                      upstream of Silver Spring
                                      Lane (State Road 1404).
Raynor Swamp Tributary 2...........  At the confluence with             None          +24  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Raynor Swamp.                                         of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 865 feet             None          +35
                                      upstream of St. Paul Road
                                      (State Road 1338).
Raynor Swamp Tributary 2A..........  At the confluence with             None          +28  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Raynor Swamp Tributary 2.                             of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 1.1 miles            None          +38
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence with Raynor
                                      Swamp Tributary 2.
Raynor Swamp Tributary 3...........  At the confluence with             None          +27  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Raynor Swamp.                                         of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 0.7 mile             None          +36
                                      upstream of Sugar Run
                                      Road (State Road 1429).
Raynor Swamp Tributary 4...........  At the confluence with             None          +28  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Raynor Swamp.                                         of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 0.7 mile             None          +31
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence with Raynor
Raynor Swamp Tributary 5...........  At the confluence with             None          +31  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Raynor Swamp.                                         of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 1,360 feet           None          +35
                                      upstream of Kees Cross
                                      Road (State Road 1427).
Raynor Swamp Tributary 6...........  At the confluence with             None          +37  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Raynor Swamp.                                         of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 0.5 mile             None          +41
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence with Raynor
Sarem Creek........................  At the confluence with             None           +7  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Chowan River.                                         of Gates County.
                                     At the confluence with             None          +10
                                      Jady Branch.
Somerton Creek.....................  At the confluence with             None          +12  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Chowan River.                                         of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 1.8 miles            None          +12
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence of Jernigan
Taylor Mill Pond...................  At the confluence with             None          +22  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Jady Branch.                                          of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 50 feet              None          +22
                                      downstream of Hill Lane
                                      Road (State Road 1122).
Taylor Swamp.......................  At the confluence with             None          +29  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Corapeake Swamp.                                      of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 1,130 feet           None          +39
                                      upstream of Brinkley Road
                                      (State Road 1307).

[[Page 42751]]

Taylor Swamp Tributary 1...........  At the confluence with             None          +30  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Taylor Swamp.                                         of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 1.0 mile             None          +34
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence with Taylor
Trotman Creek......................  Approximately 350 feet             None           +7  Unincorporated Areas
                                      downstream of Carters                                 of Gates County.
                                      Road (State Road 1100).
                                     Approximately 0.5 mile             None          +33
                                      upstream of Hobbsville
                                      Road (State Road 1414).
Trotman Creek Tributary............  At the confluence with             None          +10  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Trotman Creek.                                        of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 0.4 mile             None          +13
                                      upstream from the
                                      confluence with Trotman
Walton Pond........................  At the confluence with             None           +8  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Trotman Creek.                                        of Gates County.
                                     Approximately 0.8 mile             None          +22
                                      upstream of NC Highway 37.
* National Geodetic Vertical Datum.
+ North American Vertical Datum.
 Depth in feet above ground.

** BFEs to be changed include the listed downstream and upstream BFEs, and include BFEs located on the stream
 reach between the referenced locations above. Please refer to the revised Flood Insurance Rate Map located at
 the community map repository (see below) for exact locations of all BFEs to be changed.

Send comments to William R. Blanton, Jr., Chief, Engineering Management Branch, Mitigation Directorate, Federal
 Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Street, SW., Washington, DC 20472.


Town of Gatesville
Maps are available for inspection at Gatesville Town Hall, 127 Main Street, Gatesville, NC.

                                      Unincorporated Areas of Gates County

Maps are available for inspection at Gates County Building Inspection Office, 105 New Ferry Road, Gatesville,
                           Transylvania County, North Carolina, and Incorporated Areas
Horsepasture River.................  Approximately 200 feet             None        +2968  Unincorporated Areas
                                      downstream of the Jackson/                            of Transylvania
                                      Transylvania County                                   County.
                                     At the Jackson/                    None        +2989
                                      Transylvania County
* National Geodetic Vertical Datum.
+ North American Vertical Datum.
 Depth in feet above ground.

** BFEs to be changed include the listed downstream and upstream BFEs, and include BFEs located on the stream
 reach between the referenced locations above. Please refer to the revised Flood Insurance Rate Map located at
 the community map repository (see below) for exact locations of all BFEs to be changed.

Send comments to William R. Blanton, Jr., Chief, Engineering Management Branch, Mitigation Directorate, Federal
 Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Street, SW., Washington, DC 20472.


                                   Unincorporated Areas of Transylvania County

Maps are available for inspection at Transylvania County Inspections Department, 98 East Morgan Street, Brevard,
                              Oconee County, South Carolina, and Incorporated Areas
Barton Creek.......................  At the confluence with             None         +670  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Tugaloo River.                                        of Oconee County.
                                     Approximately 1,540 feet           None         +708
                                      upstream of Barton Creek
Beaverdam Creek....................  At Oconee/Pickens County           None         +672  Unincorporated Areas
                                      boundary.                                             of Oconee County.
                                     Approximately 5,500 feet           None         +808
                                      upstream of State Highway
Beaverdam Creek Tributary 3........  At the confluence with             None         +677  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Beaverdam Creek.                                      of Oconee County.
                                     Approximately 5,500 feet           None         +700
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence with Beaverdam
Cane Creek.........................  Approximately 1,100 feet           None         +804  Unincorporated Areas
                                      upstream of the                                       of Oconee County,
                                      confluence with Little                                Town of Walhalla,
                                      Cane Creek.                                           Town of West Union.

[[Page 42752]]

                                     Approximately 2,460 feet           None         +966
                                      upstream of Rocky Knoll
Choestoea Creek....................  At the confluence with             None         +666  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Tugaloo River.                                        of Oconee County.
                                     Approximately 4,370 feet           None         +744
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence with Choestoea
                                      Creek Tributary 9.
Cleveland Creek....................  At the confluence with             None         +676  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Beaverdam Creek.                                      of Oconee County.
                                     Approximately 1.5 miles            None         +740
                                      upstream of Feltman Road.
Colonels Fork Creek................  At the confluence with             None         +772  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Conecross Creek.                                      of Oconee County.
                                     Approximately 1,670 feet           None         +813
                                      upstream of Bennett Road.
Conecross Creek....................  Approximately 2.2 miles            None         +678  Unincorporated Areas
                                      downstream of Tokeena                                 of Oconee County,
                                      Road.                                                 City of Seneca.
                                     Approximately 2,630 feet           None         +708
                                      upstream of Conecross
                                      Farm Road.
Conecross Tributary 1..............  Approximately 2.7 miles            None         +665  Unincorporated Areas
                                      upstream of the Oconee/                               of Oconee County.
                                      Anderson County boundary.
                                     Approximately 3.4 miles            None         +708
                                      upstream of the Oconee/
                                      Anderson County boundary.
Conecross Tributary 2..............  At the confluence with             None         +784  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Conecross Creek.                                      of Oconee County,
                                                                                            Town of Walhalla.
                                     Approximately 2,420 feet           None         +833
                                      upstream of Bear Swamp
Conecross Tributary 3..............  At the confluence with             None         +756  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Conecross Creek.                                      of Oconee County.
                                     Approximately 850 feet             None         +780
                                      upstream of State Highway
Cornhouse Creek....................  Approximately 1,610 feet           None         +813  Unincorporated Areas
                                      downstream of Stamp Creek                             of Oconee County.
                                     Approximately 2,195 feet           None         +819
                                      upstream of Stamp Creek
Fair Play Creek....................  At the confluence with             None         +665  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Tugaloo River.                                        of Oconee County.
                                     Approximately 3,200 feet           None         +665
                                      downstream of Rock Creek
Fall Creek.........................  Approximately 1,830 feet           None         +795  Unincorporated Areas
                                      downstream of Cliffs                                  of Oconee County.
                                      South Parkway.
                                     Approximately 935 feet             None         +858
                                      downstream of Cliffs Cart
                                      Path Drive.
Hartwell Lake Tributary 1..........  Approximately 360 feet             None         +665  Unincorporated Areas
                                      downstream of Martin                                  of Oconee County.
                                      Creek Road.
                                     Approximately 1,850 feet           None         +672
                                      upstream of Martin Creek
Hartwell Lake Tributary 2..........  At the confluence with             None         +665  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Hartwell Lake.                                        of Oconee County.
                                     Approximately 140 feet             None         +827
                                      downstream of Sunshine
Hartwell Lake Tributary 3..........  At the confluence with             None         +665  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Hartwell Lake.                                        of Oconee County.
                                     Approximately 185 feet             None         +859
                                      upstream of Rays Road.
Keowee River 2 Tributary 7.........  Approximately 1,295 feet           None         +810  City of Seneca.
                                      downstream of Maple
                                     Approximately 2,090 feet           None         +877
                                      upstream of Maple Avenue.
Keowee River 2 Tributary 7,          At the confluence with             None         +800  City of Seneca.
 Tributary 1.                         Lake Keowee.
                                     Approximately 2,310 feet           None         +827
                                      upstream of Seneca Drive.
Keowee River 2 Tributary 7,          At the confluence with             None         +800  City of Seneca.
 Tributary 1.                         Lake Keowee.
Tributary 1........................  Approximately 65 feet              None         +870
                                      upstream of North Pine
Keowee River 2 Tributary 7,          At the confluence with             None         +800  Unincorporated Areas
 Tributary 1.                         Lake Keowee.                                          of Oconee County.
Tributary 2........................  Approximately 1.5 mile             None         +824
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence with Lake
Little Beaverdam Creek.............  At the Oconee/Pickens              None         +692  Unincorporated Areas
                                      County boundary.                                      of Oconee County.
                                     Approximately 260 feet             None         +771
                                      upstream of Donald Road.
Little Beaverdam Creek Tributary 1.  At the Oconee/Pickens              None         +695  Unincorporated Areas
                                      County boundary.                                      of Oconee County.

[[Page 42753]]

                                     Approximately 3,550 feet           None         +708
                                      upstream of the Oconee/
                                      Pickens County boundary.
Little Cane Creek..................  Approximately 5,000 feet           None         +805  Unincorporated Areas
                                      downstream of Pickens                                 of Oconee County.
                                     Approximately 1,240 feet           None         +902
                                      upstream of Pickens
Little Choestoea Creek.............  Approximately 1 mile               None         +670  Unincorporated Areas
                                      dowstream of Little                                   of Oconee County.
                                      Choestoea Road.
                                     Approximately 1,570 feet           None         +706
                                      downstream of Mount
                                      Pleasant Road.
Martin Creek.......................  Approximately 4,920 feet           None         +666  City of Seneca,
                                      downstream of the                                     Unincorporated Areas
                                      confluence with Martin                                of Oconee County.
                                      Creek Tributary 3.
                                     Approximately 2,560 feet           None         +891
                                      upstream of South 6th
Martin Creek Tributary 1...........  At the confluence with             None         +822  City of Seneca,
                                      Martin Creek.                                         Unincorporated Areas
                                                                                            of Oconee County.
                                     Approximately 140 feet             None         +906
                                      upstream of South 6th
Martin Creek Tributary 2...........  At the confluence with             None         +717  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Martin Creek.                                         of Oconee County.
                                     Approximately 1,125 feet           None         +875
                                      upstream of Owens Road.
Martin Creek Tributary 3...........  At the confluence with             None         +715  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Martin Creek.                                         of Oconee County.
                                     Approximately 2,690 feet           None         +832
                                      upstream of Martin Creek
                                      Tributary 6.
Martin Creek Tributary 6...........  At the confluence with             None         +740  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Martin Creek Tributary 3.                             of Oconee County.
                                     Approximately 2,320 feet           None         +864
                                      upstream of Blue Sky
McKinneys Creek....................  At the confluence with             None         +800  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Keowee River.                                         of Oconee County.
                                     Approximately 1.9 mile             None         +809
                                      upstream from the
                                      confluence of Keowee
Mud Creek..........................  At the confluence with             None         +695  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Beaverdam Creek.                                      of Oconee County.
                                     Approximately 1.2 miles            None         +846
                                      upstream of Cedar Lane
Mud Creek Tributary 1..............  At the confluence of Mud           None         +695  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Creek.                                                of Oconee County.
                                     Approximately 630 feet             None         +728
                                      upstream of Cody Road.
Perkins Creek Tributary 1..........  At the confluence of               None         +833  City of Seneca,
                                      Perkins Creek Tributary.                              Unincorporated Areas
                                                                                            of Oconee County.
Tributary 1........................  Approximately 1,715 feet           None         +889
                                      upstream of Rolling Hills
Perkins Creek Tributary 1..........  At the confluence of               None         +786  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Perkins Creek Tributary 1.                            of Oconee County,
                                                                                            City of Seneca.
Tributary 2........................  Approximately 2,130 feet           None         +847
                                      upstream of Dalton Road.
Perkins Creek Tributary 1,           At the confluence with             None         +812  City of Seneca.
 Tributary 2.                         Perkins Creek Tributary
                                      1, Tributary 2.
Tributary 1........................  Just downstream of W.              None         +897
                                      South 6th Square.
Perkins Creek Tributary 1,           At the confluence of               None         +801  City of Seneca,
 Tributary 3.                         Perkins Creek Tributary 1.                            Unincorporated Areas
                                                                                            of Oconee County.
                                     Approximately 450 feet             None         +878
                                      upstream of Emaerald Road.
Richland Creek.....................  At the confluence of               None         +758  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Conecross Creek.                                      of Oconee County.
                                     Approximately 3,400 feet           None         +824
                                      upstream of Bountyland
Seneca Creek.......................  Just upstream of Davis             None         +665  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Creek Road.                                           of Oconee County,
                                                                                            City of Seneca.
                                     Approximately 3,100 feet           None         +878
                                      upstream of Meadowbrook
Seneca Creek Tributary 1...........  At the confluence of               None         +667  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Seneca Creek.                                         of Oconee County.
                                     Approximately 1.1 miles            None         +745
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence of Seneca

[[Page 42754]]

Shiloh Branch......................  Approximately 980 feet             None         +665  Unincorporated Areas
                                      upstream of Seneca Creek                              of Oconee County.
                                     Approximately 1.5 miles            None         +687
                                      upstream of Seneca Creek
Snow Creek.........................  Approximately 690 feet             None         +665  Unincorporated Areas
                                      downstream of Sitton                                  of Oconee County.
                                      Shoals Road.
                                     Approximately 290 feet             None         +789
                                      upstream of Snow Creek
Speeds Creek.......................  At the confluence of Lake          None         +665  Unincorporated Areas
                                      Hartwell.                                             of Oconee County.
                                     Approximately 3,630 feet           None         +831
                                      upstream of Wells Highway.
Tugaloo River......................  Approximately 2.4 miles            None         +665  Unincorporated Areas
                                      downstream of Interstate                              of Oconee County.
                                     Approximately 3,550 feet           None         +896
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence of Battle
* National Geodetic Vertical Datum.
+ North American Vertical Datum.
 Depth in feet above ground.

** BFEs to be changed include the listed downstream and upstream BFEs, and include BFEs located on the stream
 reach between the referenced locations above. Please refer to the revised Flood Insurance Rate Map located at
 the community map repository (see below) for exact locations of all BFEs to be changed.

Send comments to William R. Blanton, Jr., Chief, Engineering Management Branch, Mitigation Directorate, Federal
 Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Street, SW., Washington, DC 20472.


City of Seneca
Maps are available for inspection at Seneca City Administrator, 221 East North First Street, Seneca, SC 29679.

Town of Walhalla
Maps are available for inspection at City of Walhalla City Administrator, 206 North Church Street, Walhalla, SC

Town of West Union
Maps are available for inspection at 1442 West Main Street, West Union, SC 29696.

                                      Unincorporated Areas of Oconee County
Maps are available for inspection at Oconee County County Administrator, 415 South Pine Street, Walhalla, SC
                                Madison County, Tennessee, and Incorporated Areas
Cane Creek.........................  At Hicks Avenue...........         +356         +355  City of Jackson,
                                                                                            Unincorporated Areas
                                                                                            of Madison County.
                                     Approximately 1.5 miles            +437         +434
                                      upstream of Riverside
Dyer Creek.........................  Approximately 1,000 feet           +357         +356  City of Jackson,
                                      upstream of the                                       Unincorporated Areas
                                      confluence with Middle                                of Madison County.
                                      Fork of Forked Deer River.
                                     Just downstream of North           +444         +441
                                      Royal Street.
Middle Fork of Forked Deer River...  Approximately 2,160 feet           None         +351  City of Three Way.
                                      upstream of the
                                      confluence of Moize Creek.
                                     Approximately 650 feet             None         +356
                                      downstream of U.S. Route
Turkey Creek.......................  Approximately 3,070 feet           None         +356  City of Three Way.
                                      above the confluence of
                                      Middle Fork of Forked
                                      Deer River.
                                     Approximately 3,470 feet           None         +367
                                      upstream of Mason Road.
* National Geodetic Vertical Datum.
+ North American Vertical Datum.
 Depth in feet above ground.

** BFEs to be changed include the listed downstream and upstream BFEs, and include BFEs located on the stream
 reach between the referenced locations above. Please refer to the revised Flood Insurance Rate Map located at
 the community map repository (see below) for exact locations of all BFEs to be changed.

Send comments to William R. Blanton, Jr., Chief, Engineering Management Branch, Mitigation Directorate, Federal
 Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Street, SW., Washington, DC 20472.


City of Jackson

Maps are available for inspection at Planning Department, 111 East Main Street, Suite 201, Jackson, TN 38301.

City of Three Way
Maps are available for inspection at Office of the Mayor, 136 Green Road, Three Way, TN 38343.

                                     Unincorporated Areas of Madison County
Maps are available for inspection at Madison County Commissioner's Office Building, 100 East Main Street,
 Jackson, TN 38301.

[[Page 42755]]

(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance No. 97.022, ``Flood 

    Dated: July 14, 2008.
David I. Maurstad,
Federal Insurance Administrator of the National Flood Insurance 
Program, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management 
 [FR Doc. E8-16811 Filed 7-22-08; 8:45 am]