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Volume 9(6);  June 2007
Review Article
Current Role and Future Perspectives of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Radiation Oncology for Prostate Cancer
Aleksandra Zapotoczna, Giuseppe Sasso, John Simpson, and Mack Roach, III
Neoplasia. 2007 June; 9(6): 455–463.
PMCID: PMC1899254
Brief Article
Differential Expression of IL-17RC Isoforms in Androgen-Dependent and Androgen-Independent Prostate Cancers
Zongbing You, Ying Dong, Xiangtian Kong, Yi Zhang, Robert L Vessella, and Jonathan Melamed
Neoplasia. 2007 June; 9(6): 464–470.
PMCID: PMC1899256
Research Articles
p75 Neurotrophin Receptor Suppresses the Proliferation of Human Gastric Cancer Cells
Haifeng Jin, Yanglin Pan, Lina Zhao, Huihong Zhai, Xiaohua Li, Li Sun, Lijie He, Yu Chen, Liu Hong, Yulei Du, and Daiming Fan
Neoplasia. 2007 June; 9(6): 471–478.
PMCID: PMC1899251
Hyaluronic Acid-Paclitaxel: Antitumor Efficacy against CD44(+) Human Ovarian Carcinoma Xenografts
Edmond Auzenne, Sukhen C Ghosh, Mojgan Khodadadian, Belinda Rivera, David Farquhar, Roger E Price, Murali Ravoori, Vikas Kundra, Ralph S Freedman, and Jim Klostergaard
Neoplasia. 2007 June; 9(6): 479–486.
PMCID: PMC1899257
Antibodies to Placental Immunoregulatory Ferritin with Transfer of Polyclonal Lymphocytes Arrest MCF-7 Human Breast Cancer Growth in a Nude Mouse Model
Marisa Halpern, Muayad A. Zahalka, Leonid Traub, and Chaya Moroz
Neoplasia. 2007 June; 9(6): 487–494.
PMCID: PMC1899253
CREB-Binding Protein Is a Mediator of Neuroblastoma Cell Death Induced By the Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor Trichostatin A
Chitra Subramanian, Jason A Jarzembowski, Anthony W Opipari, Jr, Valerie P Castle, and Roland P S Kwok
Neoplasia. 2007 June; 9(6): 495–503.
PMCID: PMC1899529
Heparanase Expression in Circulating Lymphocytes of Breast Cancer Patients Depends on the Presence of the Primary Tumor and/or Systemic Metastasis
Thérèse Rachell Theodoro, Leandro Luongo de Matos, Aleksandra Vanessa Lambiasi Sant Anna, Fernando Luiz Affonso Fonseca, Patrícia Semedo, Lourdes Conceição Martins, Helena Bonciani Nader, Auro Del Giglio, and Maria Apareci da Silva Pinhal
Neoplasia. 2007 June; 9(6): 504–510.
PMCID: PMC1899258
Genomic Alterations in Sporadic Synchronous Primary Breast Cancer Using Array and Metaphase Comparative Genomic Hybridization
Arezou A Ghazani, Nona Arneson, Keisha Warren, Melania Pintilie, Jane Bayani, Jeremy A Squire, and Susan J Done
Neoplasia. 2007 June; 9(6): 511–520.
PMCID: PMC1899252
Early Alterations in Ovarian Surface Epithelial Cells and Induction of Ovarian Epithelial Tumors Triggered by Loss of FSH Receptor
Xinlei Chen, Jayaprakash Aravindakshan, Yinzhi Yang, and M. Ram Sairam
Neoplasia. 2007 June; 9(6): 521–531.
PMCID: PMC1899255
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