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Volume 7(9);  September 2005
Research Articles
Epigenetic Regulation of the Cell Type-Specific Gene 14-3-3σ
Marc M Oshiro, Bernard W Futscher, Aaron Lisberg, Ryan J Wozniak, Walter T Klimecki, Frederick E Domann, and Anne E Cress
Neoplasia. 2005 September; 7(9): 799–808.
PMCID: PMC1501934
Frequent Hypermethylation of RASSF1A and TSLC1, and High Viral Load of Epstein-Barr Virus DNA in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma and Matched Tumor-Adjacent Tissues
Liang Zhou, Weihong Jiang, Caiping Ren, Zhihua Yin, Xiangling Feng, Weidong Liu, Qian Tao, and Kaitai Yao
Neoplasia. 2005 September; 7(9): 809–815.
PMCID: PMC1501935
The Identification of Senescence-Specific Genes during the Induction of Senescence in Prostate Cancer Cells
Steven R Schwarze, Vivian X Fu, Joshua A Desotelle, Michelle L Kenowski, and David F Jarrard
Neoplasia. 2005 September; 7(9): 816–823.
PMCID: PMC1501939
TWIST is Expressed in Human Gliomas and Promotes Invasion
Maria C Elias, Kathleen R Tozer, John R Silber, Svetlana Mikheeva, Mei Deng, Richard S Morrison, Thomas C Manning, Daniel L Silbergeld, Carlotta A Glackin, Thomas A Reh, and Robert C Rostomily
Neoplasia. 2005 September; 7(9): 824–837.
PMCID: PMC1501937
Effects of Hormone Deprivation and 2-Methoxyestradiol Combination Therapy on Hormone-Dependent Prostate Cancer In Vivo
Fuminori Sato, Hiroshi Fukuhara, and James P Basilion
Neoplasia. 2005 September; 7(9): 838–846.
PMCID: PMC1501932
Imaging of VEGF Receptor Kinase Inhibitor-Induced Antiangiogenic Effects in Drug-Resistant Human Adenocarcinoma Model
Wilfried Reichardt, Dana Hu-Lowe, Denise Torres, Ralph Weissleder, and Alexei Bogdanov, Jr
Neoplasia. 2005 September; 7(9): 847–853.
PMCID: PMC1351316
Hypermethylation and Loss of Expression of Glutathione Peroxidase-3 in Barrett's Tumorigenesis
Ok-Jae Lee, Regine Schneider-Stock, Patricia A McChesney, Doerthe Kuester, Albert Roessner, Michael Vieth, Christopher A Moskaluk, and Wa'el El-Rifai
Neoplasia. 2005 September; 7(9): 854–861.
PMCID: PMC1501938
Regulation of Glioma Cell Migration by Serine-Phosphorylated P311
Wendy S McDonough, Nhan L Tran, and Michael E Berens
Neoplasia. 2005 September; 7(9): 862–872.
PMCID: PMC1501936
An Estrogen Receptor-α/p300 Complex Activates the BRCA-1 Promoter at an AP-1 Site That Binds Jun/Fos Transcription Factors: Repressive Effects of p53 on BRCA-1 Transcription
Brandon D Jeffy, Jennifer K Hockings, Michael Q Kemp, Sherif S Morgan, Jill A Hager, Jason Beliakoff, Luke J Whitesell, G. Timothy Bowden, and Donato F Romagnolo
Neoplasia. 2005 September; 7(9): 873–882.
PMCID: PMC1501940
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