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Volume 7(6);  June 2005
Research Articles
Persistent STAT3 Activation in Colon Cancer Is Associated with Enhanced Cell Proliferation and Tumor Growth
Florian M Corvinus, Carina Orth, Richard Moriggl, Svetlana A Tsareva, Stefan Wagner, Edith B Pfitzner, Daniela Baus, Roland Kaufmann, Lukas A Huberb, Kurt Zatloukal, Hartmut Beug, Peter Öhlschläger, Alexander Schütz, Karl-Jürgen Halbhuber, and Karlheinz Friedrich
Neoplasia. 2005 June; 7(6): 545–555.
PMCID: PMC1501283
Array-Based Comparative Genomic Hybridization Identifies Localized DNA Amplifications and Homozygous Deletions in Pancreatic Cancer
Murali D Bashyam, Ryan Bair, Young H Kim, Pei Wang, Tina Hernandez-Boussard, Collins A Karikari, Robert Tibshirani, Anirban Maitra, and Jonathan R Pollack
Neoplasia. 2005 June; 7(6): 556–562.
PMCID: PMC1501288
Cas IIgly Induces Apoptosis in Glioma C6 Cells In Vitro and In Vivo through Caspase-Dependent and Caspase-Independent Mechanisms
Cristina Trejo-Solís, Guadalupe Palencia, Sergio Zúñiga, Andrea Rodríguez-Ropon, Laura Osorio-Rico, Sanchez Torres Luvia, Isabel Gracia-Mora, Lucrecia Marquez-Rosado, Aurora Sánchez, Miguel E Moreno-García, Arturo Cruz, María Elena Bravo-Gómez, Lena Ruiz-Ramírez, Sara Rodríguez-Enriquez, and Julio Sotelo
Neoplasia. 2005 June; 7(6): 563–574.
PMCID: PMC1501287
Temporally Regulated Neural Crest Transcription Factors Distinguish Neuroectodermal Tumors of Varying Malignancy and Differentiation
Timothy R Gershon, Orit Oppenheimer, Steven S Chin, and William L Gerald
Neoplasia. 2005 June; 7(6): 575–584.
PMCID: PMC1501286
The Minimal Set of Genetic Alterations Required for Conversion of Primary Human Fibroblasts to Cancer Cells in the Subrenal Capsule Assay
Beicheng Sun, Meizhen Chen, Christina L Hawks, Olivia M Pereira-Smith, and Peter J Hornsby
Neoplasia. 2005 June; 7(6): 585–593.
PMCID: PMC1501282
Accelerated Degradation of Caspase-8 Protein Correlates with TRAIL Resistance in a DLD1 Human Colon Cancer Cell Line
Lidong Zhang, Hongbo Zhu, Fuminori Teraishi, John J Davis, Wei Guo, Zhen Fan, and Bingliang Fang
Neoplasia. 2005 June; 7(6): 594–602.
PMCID: PMC1501285
High-Resolution Mapping of Genomic Imbalance and Identification of Gene Expression Profiles Associated with Differential Chemotherapy Response in Serous Epithelial Ovarian Cancer
Marcus Bernardini, Chung-Hae Lee, Ben Beheshti, Mona Prasad, Monique Albert, Paula Marrano, Heather Begley, Patricia Shaw, Al Covens, Joan Murphy, Barry Rosen, Salomon Minkin, Jeremy A Squire, and Pascale F Macgregor
Neoplasia. 2005 June; 7(6): 603–613.
PMCID: PMC1501280
The hTERT and hTERC Telomerase Gene Promoters Are Activated by the Second Exon of the Adenoviral Protein, E1A, Identifying the Transcriptional Corepressor CtBP as a Potential Repressor of Both Genes
Rosalind M Glasspool, Sharon Burns, Stacey F Hoare, Catharina Svensson, and W Nicol Keith
Neoplasia. 2005 June; 7(6): 614–622.
PMCID: PMC1501281
Brain Tumor Tropism of Transplanted Human Neural Stem Cells Is Induced by Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor
Nils Ole Schmidt, Wojciech Przylecki, Wendy Yang, Mateo Ziu, Yang Teng, Seung U Kim, Peter Mcl Black, Karen S Aboody, and Rona S Carroll
Neoplasia. 2005 June; 7(6): 623–629.
PMCID: PMC1501284
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