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HAZUS User Groups News

FEMA Concludes the 2008 Annual HAZUS Users Conference in San Diego

The 2008 Annual HAZUS Users Conference was held on August 5-7, 2008 in San Diego.  The conference brought together a diverse group of emergency management and 2008 HAZUS Conference logo GIS professionals from government, academia, and the private sector to share knowledge and experience in the use of HAZUS-MH.

As part of the conference, Eric Berman, HAZUS Program Manager, was pleased to present the 2008 HAZUS User Conference Awards. The awards are utilized to exemplify the outstanding work of organizations and individuals who have accelerated the awareness and use of the HAZUS program. Read about the 2008 HAZUS Award Recipients.

For additional information on this or future conferences, please contact Tom Durham at or Beth Howser at

View the full 2008 Annual HAZUS Users Conference Agenda or download the 2008 HAZUS Users Conferences Agenda in PDF format from the FEMA Library.

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Southern California HAZUS User Group Meets

The Southern California HAZUS User Group (SoCalHUG) held a successful meeting on January 15, 2008, hosted by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG). A multidisciplinary group from five Southern California counties attended the meeting.  Topics included: 

On April 17-18, 2008, FEMA, SCAG and the Cal Poly Pomona GIS Center will co-sponsor a Basic HAZUS MH training class to be held at Cal Poly Pomona. The next meeting of the SoCalHUG will be held in approximately six months.

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2007 HAZUS Users Conference Proceedings

2007 HAZUS Annual User Conference logo

The HAZUS-MH Annual Users Conference on June 19-21, 2007, hosted by ESRI, brought together over 400 HAZUS-MH users from 19 nations to discuss a wide range of topics related to the HAZUS-MH model development and applications for risk assessment, planning and preparedness. View full HAZUS-MH Users Conference Proceedings.

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2007 HAZUS Award Program

New applications are being discovered in government, the private sector and academia. In recognition of innovative practices and importance of increasing awareness of HAZUS and its capabilities, FEMA is proud to announce the 2007 HAZUS Award Program. During the HAZUS-MH Users Conference, the Federal Emergency Management Agency and its partners recognized exemplary HAZUS-MH practices, organized into six categories. The links below provide details of the award recipient accomplishments.

HUG Innovation: Training and Outreach -- Central U.S. HAZUS User Group (HUG)

HUG Innovation: Organization and Data Management -- Florida HUG

HAZUS-MH Best Practices: Flood Analysis -- Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) 

HAZUS-MH Best Practices: Hurricane Analysis --  National Hurricane Center

HAZUS-MH Best Practices: Earthquake Analysis -- Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology

HAZUS-MH Lifetime Acheivement -- Richard K. Eisner, Fritz Institute [formerly with California Office of Emergency Services (OES)]

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HAZUS User Groups Highlight Successes

As HAZUS User Groups continue to evolve in all regions of the U.S., new applications of HAZUS-MH are being carried out by the membership of these groups. These HAZUS User Group Success Stories are being documented so they can be shared. Contact information is provided, with descriptions of the projects and the network of project supporters.

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Florida HUG Sets Aggressive Agenda

Since its formation in June, 2006, the Florida HAZUS User Group (FLHUG) has become the catalyst for HAZUS-MH outreach, planning, data development, and training in the state of Florida.

Active members of the FLHUG are drawn from state and local governments, research and academia, and the private sector. From the outset, FEMA’s Region IV has taken a leadership role in promoting the FLHUG, including the identification of potential resources to support the implementation of priority projects and activities. 

Get further details on the FLHUG agenda highlighting the approach in promoting the use of HAZUS-MH across the state, the group’s priorities, and the steering committee structure that has emerged to organize and manage FLHUG projects and activities.

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Last Modified: Wednesday, 04-Feb-2009 14:33:52 EST