Last Update: 02/16/2009 Printer Friendly Printer Friendly   Email This Page Email This Page  

Where can I go for more information about gestational diabetes?

National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)

The mission of the NICHD is to ensure that every person is born healthy and wanted, that women suffer no harmful effects from the reproductive process, and that all children have the chance to fulfill their potential for a healthy and productive life, free of disease or disability, and to ensure the health, productivity, independence, and well-being of all people through optimal rehabilitation. The NICHD Information Resource Center is your one-stop source for NICHD brochures, booklets, and other materials related to the health of children, adults, families, and populations, including information about gestational diabetes.

You can contact the NICHD Information Resource Center at:
Phone: 1-800-370-2943
Mail: P.O. Box 3006, Rockville, MD 20847
Fax: (301) 984-1473

Other Resources
