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Meet Amazing Americans Adventurers & Explorers Amelia Earhart

Teddy Roosevelt flies in 1910

As Amelia Earhart was growing up, the popularity of flying was also growing. Watch President Theodore Roosevelt get invited to fly in this film from 1910

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Amelia Earhart Learns to Fly
Amelia Earhart was born in Atchison, Kansas, on July 24, 1897. In those days, airplanes were not nearly as common as they are today. Earhart was 12 years old before she ever saw an airplane, and she did not take her first flight until 1920. Amelia Earhart was so thrilled by her first airplane ride that she quickly began to take flying lessons. She wrote, "As soon as I left the ground, I knew I myself had to fly."
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VIDEO CREDIT: "Colonel Roosevelt is invited to fly in Arch Hoxsey's plane at St. Louis, Mo., 1910." Early Motion Pictures, 1897-1920, Library of Congress