Laboratory of Biochemistry and Genetics - (LBG) : NIDDK

Laboratory of Biochemistry and Genetics - (LBG)

Reed B. Wickner, M.D., Chief
Enrico Cabib, Ph.D.
William G. Coleman Jr., Ph.D.
Andy Golden, Ph.D.
Daniel C. Masison, Ph.D.
Allen P. Minton, Ph.D.
Kevin F. O'Connell, Ph.D.
Herbert Tabor, M.D.
Jan Wolff, M.D., Ph.D.

Using molecular genetics and biochemical techniques, our diverse lab studies
  • the yeast prion [URE3], yeast viruses, and translational control
  • the yeast prion [PSI]
  • macromolecular confinement and surface adsorption
  • centrosome replication and function
  • gamete development, meiosis, and fertilization
  • structure and biogenesis of the yeast cell wall
  • microtubule assembly mechanisms
  • biosynthesis of polyamines and their roles in translation and other functions
  • ADP-L-glycero-D-mannoheptose-6-epimerase structure and function

Page last updated: February 12, 2009

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