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July 2007 Audio Reports

play audio Ability to Listen to Two Things at Once Is Largely Inherited, Says Twin Study—07/27/2007
2:04 | 1.9 MB | Transcript | Get RealPlayer | Right Click to Download MP3 File

The ability to hear, and actually comprehend, two distinct conversations simultaneously, such as a phone conversation in one ear and a friend talking in the other, isn't just a reflection of your dedicated friendship.

play audio New NIA Publication Features Health and Retirement Study—07/27/2007
2:25 | 2.2 MB | Transcript | Get RealPlayer | Right Click to Download MP3 File

A new publication, "Growing Older in America: The Health and Retirement Study", is available online from the National Institute on Aging, part of the National Institutes of Health.

play audio Alcohol Survey Reveals 'Lost Decade' Between Ages of Onset Disorder and Treatment—07/20/2007
2:11 | 2.0 MB | Transcript | Get RealPlayer | Right Click to Download MP3 File

NIAAA Survey Reveals 'Lost Decade' Between Ages of Onset Disorder and Treatment

play audio NIAMS Says Surgery May Be Preferred Option for Some Back Problems—07/20/2007
3:11 | 2.9 MB | Transcript | Get RealPlayer | Right Click to Download MP3 File

A study supported by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases indicates that surgery may be the preferred option for some back conditions.

play audio Gene Variant Increases Risks for Alcoholism Following Childhood Abuse—07/13/2007
1:44 | 1.6 MB | Transcript | Get RealPlayer | Right Click to Download MP3 File

Child abuse may be a contributor to a number of discontrolled behaviors in women, according to a study at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, at the National Institutes of Health.

play audio Researchers Identify Alcoholism Subtypes—07/13/2007
4:19 | 4.0 MB | Transcript | Get RealPlayer | Right Click to Download MP3 File

In a report that should help dispel the notion of the "typical alcoholic," five distinct subtypes of the disease have been identified by scientists at the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, part of the National Institutes of Health.

play audio Celiac Disease Awareness Campaign Marks First Anniversary—07/06/2007
1:54 | 1.7 MB | Transcript | Get RealPlayer | Right Click to Download MP3 File

It's the one year anniversary of the National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases' Celiac Disease Awareness Campaign.

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This page was last reviewed on January 28, 2009 .
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