Type 2 Diabetes Linkage Analysis Consortium : NIDDK

Type 2 Diabetes Linkage Analysis Consortium

November 7, 1997

The International Type 2 Diabetes Linkage Analysis Consortium was established to facilitate joint analysis of data from groups seeking to map genes for type 2 diabetes. The Consortium's current efforts focus on joint analysis of chromosome 20 mapping data from each of the participating groups. Future efforts may extend to additional phenotypes and/or chromosomes, depending on the interests of current or future participating groups.

The Consortium has established a webpage at http://www.sph.umich.edu/group/statgen/consortium/. The page includes membership, agendas, minutes, and technical comments. Researchers interested in collaboration are encouraged to contact Michael Boehnke of the University of Michigan or Nancy Cox of the University of Chicago. Partial funding for the Consortium is provided by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

Page last updated: April 17, 2008

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