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LHNCBC: Document Abstract
Year: 2008Adobe Acrobat Reader
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ePrescribing, EHRs, and HIE: Why Physicians Are Holding Back?
Peter Basch, M.D., F.A.C.P.
This presentation analyzes three current eHealth offerings for the ambulatory environment. At first blush, ePrescribing, electronic health records (EHRs) and health information exchange (HIE) have enormous appeal to patients, payers, employers, and physicians. In spite of this apparent attractiveness, physician adoption has been hesitant; and where adopted, applications have rarely been used as hoped for (to further quality and cost savings). This presentation proposes an explanation for this adoption hesitance, and a suggestion to resolve it. Dr. Basch practices general internal medicine in Washington, DC, and is the Medical Director for Ambulatory Clinical Systems at MedStar Health, an eight hospital not-for-profit health system in the Baltimore-Washington corridor, and is providing the clinical leadership for their ambulatory EHR implementation. He is a frequent speaker, author, and expert panelist on such topics as EMRs, interconnectivity, the transformation of healthcare through HIT, and the necessity of creating a sustainable business case for information management and quality. Dr. Basch served as the chairman of the recently concluded Maryland Task Force on EHRs. Dr. Basch is a board member of the eHealth Initiative. He is a member of the American College of Physicians' Medical Informatics Subcommittee, and their Medical Services Committee, and also represents the ACP at the Physicians' EHR Coalition. Dr. Basch was awarded the HIMSS' Physician IT Leadership Award for 2007.