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LHNCBC: Document Abstract
Year: 2003Adobe Acrobat Reader
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The Condor View of Grid Computing
Miron Livny, Ph.D.
The term "the Grid" was coined in the mid 1990s to denote a proposed distributed computing infrastructure for advanced science and engineering. Less than five years later, it feels as if "the Grid" is everywhere -- grid related research and development projects are popping-up all over the globe. They come in different sizes and scopes: some are small, others are international; some focus on pure computer science problems, while others are interdisciplinary. Most of the middleware developed by the different research projects is released to the community under an "open source" public license. We will present our perspective of this recent wave of Grid-driven activities and middleware and discuss how they relate to our ongoing research and development work in the area of High Throughput distributed computing. The talk is based on our decade-long experience with the Condor high throughput computing system that is widely used in academia and industry ( We will discuss the challenges clients of Grid resources face in harnessing the power of these resources and outline the design principals and capabilities of our client tools. Our tools are designed to meet the needs of large Master Worker applications and to leverage the capabilities of the Condor-G job manager.