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Brownfields National Partnership Action Agenda (1997)

On May 13, 1997, Vice President Al Gore announced the Brownfields National Partnership Action Agenda, outlining EPA's activities and future plans to help States and communities implement and realize the benefits of the Brownfields Initiative.

  • Press Announcement
    • Press Release
      [ HTML ]
    • Fact Sheet: Clinton Administration Expands Commitment to Brownfields Redevelopment
      [ HTML ]
    • EPA Administrator Carol M. Browner's Comments
      [ HTML ]

  • Brownfields National Partnership Action Agenda Fact Sheet
    EPA 500-F-97-090
    [ HTML (8K) ] [ PDF (32K) 2 Pages ]

  • Preamble to the Brownfields National Partnership Action Agenda
    [ HTML (16K) ] [ PDF (23K) 4 Pages ]

  • Brownfields National Partnership Action Agenda - Full Document
    [ HTML (19K) ] [ PDF (195K) 17 Pages]

    The Full Action Agenda has also been bookmarked into the following sections:

  • Federal Interagency Working Group on Brownfields Fact Sheet
    EPA 500-F-97-102
    [ HTML (8K) ] [ PDF (14K) 2 Pages ]

On August 20, 1997 a Solicitation of Statements of Interest from Communities Interested in Being Designated as Brownfields Showcase Communities was published in the Federal Register

  • Full Document
    [ HTML | PDF (16K) 5 Pages ]

  • Fact Sheet: Brownfields Showcase Communities
    [ HTML | PDF (8K) 1 Page ]


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