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All About the Mitelman Database

The Mitelman Database

  • Felix Mitelman developed the Database in collaboration with Bertil Johansson and Fredrik Mertens, all of the University of Lund, Sweden, with support from the Swedish Cancer Society and the Swedish Children's Cancer Foundation.

  • Previous editions were published by Wiley-Liss in print (Fifth Edition, 1994; ISBN 0-471-11183-X) and on CD-ROM (Sixth Edition, 1998; ISBN 0-471-17603-6) under the title "Catalog of Chromosome Aberrations in Cancer, Felix Mitelman, Editor".

  • To cite the use of the Mitelman Database from this CGAP Website in a publication, please quote the following: "Mitelman Database of Chromosome Aberrations in Cancer (2009). Mitelman F, Johansson B and Mertens F (Eds.),".

Organization of the Mitelman Database

The data in the Mitelman Database is manually culled from the literature and subsequently organized into three distinct sub-databases, as follows:

  • The sub-database of cases contains the data that relates chromosomal aberrations to specific tumor characteristics in individual patient cases. It can be searched using either the Cases Quick Searcher or the Cases Full Searcher.
  • The sub-database of molecular biology and clinical associations contains no data from individual patient cases. Instead, the data is pulled from studies with distinct information about:
    • Molecular biology associations that relate chromosomal aberrations and tumor histologies to genomic sequence data, typically genes rearranged as a consequence of structural chromosome changes.
    • Clinical associations that relate chromosomal aberrations and/or gene rearrangements and tumor histologies to clinical variables, such as prognosis, tumor grade, and patient characteristics.
    It can be searched using the Molecular Biology and Clinical (MBC) Associations Searcher
  • The reference sub-database contains all the references culled from the literature i.e., the sum of the references from the cases and the molecular biology and clinical associations. It can be searched using the Reference Searcher.

Help for Using the Mitelman Database

  • The Mitelman Database Search Help contains information to help you use the search tools:
    • How to fill in the database fields
    • How to use the select boxes and checklist boxes.
    • Definitions of the database fields

  • ISCN Abbreviated Terms and Symbols provides a list of terms and symbols used to describe chromosome abnormalities.
Restrictions in the Use of the Mitelman Database

Publication of the Mitelman Database of Chromosome Aberrations in Cancer on this Website is made possible by a partnership between the National Cancer Institute and John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All users are subject to the published Terms and Conditions of Use.

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