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Mitigation eGrants System


FEMA has developed a web-based, electronic grants (eGrants) management system to allow States, Federally-recognized Indian Tribal governments, territories, and local governments to apply for and manage their mitigation grant application processes electronically.  The eGrants system is an intuitive, user-friendly system that follows the paper application requirements and processes.

The Mitigation eGrants System Internet site,, has available the electronic grant applications for:

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FEMA developed the eGrants system to meet the intent of the eGovernment initiative, authorized by Public Law 106-107, the Federal Financial Assistance Management Improvement Act, passed on November 20, 1999.  This initiative requires that all government agencies both streamline grant application processes and provide the means to electronically create, review, and submit a grant application via the Internet.

As a part of the eGovernment initiative, FEMA's Mitigation eGrants system reduces the time and paperwork involved in the application process and at full development will manage the grant process through the entire grant life cycle from submission of an application to grant closeout.

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Application Process

Grant Applicants

Eligible applicants (states, Federally-recognized Indian tribal governments that wish to apply directly to FEMA, and territories) may:

  1. Enter paper planning and project sub-applications, if any, on behalf of their local/tribal sub-applicants using the Paper Intake function under the Sub-grant Applications section of the Grantee Homepage in eGrants;
  2. Review and approve their paper and electronic sub-applicants' planning and project sub-applications using the Review Submitted Sub-applications link under the Sub-grant Applications section of the Grantee Homepage in eGrants;
  3. Create planning, project, and management costs sub-applications, if any, on behalf of the grant applicant's agency under the Grant Applicant Acting As Subgrant Applicant section of the Grantee Homepage in eGrants;
  4. Create grant applications using the Create New Grant Application link under the Grant Applications section of the Grantee Homepage in eGrants and attach approved planning, project, and management costs sub-applications;
  5. Submit grant applications to FEMA.

FEMA has developed an eGrants Fact Sheet for Indian Tribal Governments  that provides eGrants information specific to Federally-recognized Indian tribal governments. 


Eligible sub-applicants (Federally-recognized Indian tribal governments that choose to apply to their state, state-recognized Indian tribes, authorized Indian tribal organizations, Alaska Native villages, and local governments) may submit planning and/or project sub-application(s) to their state/Tribe/territory for review and consideration for inclusion in a grant application to FEMA. Sub-applicants should consult the State Hazard Mitigation Officer  in their state/Tribe/territory for more information regarding the application process.

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Blank Applications

Blank planning, project, and management costs sub-applications as well as grant applications for Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA),  Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM),  Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL), and Repetitive Flood Claims (RFC) that follow the eGrants format are available from the Print Blank Applications link on the eGrants Homepage:  as well as from the FEMA Library:

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Technical Assistance

The Grant Applicant Quick Reference Guide and Subgrant Applicant Quick Reference Guide, available from the FEMA Library, provide information for applicants and sub-applicants on how to create and submit applications using the Mitigation eGrants system.

For specific eGrants system technical assistance, the Mitigation eGrants Helpdesk toll-free telephone number is available Monday through Friday 9 am - 7 pm (ET): 1-866-476-0544.   Technical questions may also be e-mailed to the e-Grants Helpdesk at  Input and comments are encouraged and may be submitted to the Mitigation eGrants Helpdesk as well.

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eGrants Training

Applicant  Training

FEMA has developed a Powerpoint presentation on the eGrants system for state/tribal users (Grant Applicants/Grantees).  This presentation covers the following topics:  registering for eGrants system access; creating sub-applications; reviewing sub-applications; creating and submitting grant applications; accepting award packages; and preparing quarterly reports.  FEMA can deliver this presentation upon request.  The eGrants system presentation is available on the web from the FEMA Library.

FEMA is currently designing an interactive web-based independent study course to provide state/tribal eGrants users (Grant Applicants/Grantees) basic knowledge about using the web-based Mitigation eGrants SystemThis course will examine registering for access to the eGrants System; reviewing sub-applications submitted by locals; creating, completing and submitting grant applications to FEMA; and managing submitted grant applications.  IS-31, eGrants System for Grant Applicants will be available in the spring of 2009 on the Emergency Management Institute’s Independent Study Program website:

Sub-applicant Training

FEMA has developed an interactive web-based independent study course to provide local eGrants users (Sub-applicants/Sub-grantees) basic knowledge about using the web-based Mitigation eGrants SystemThe course examines registering for eGrants system access; creating, completing and submitting sub- applications to Grant Applicants; and managing submitted sub-applications.  IS-30, eGrants System for Subgrant Applicants is available from the Emergency Management Institute’s Independent Study Program website:

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Last Modified: Monday, 02-Feb-2009 15:09:06 EST


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