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Birds should be moved in a secure travel cage or carrier. If the weather is cold, wrap a blanket over the carrier and warm up the car first. During warm weather, carry a plant mister to mist the birds’ feathers from time to time. Do not put water in the carrier, instead put a piece of fruit or vegetables with high water content. Keep a photo of your bird for identification. Try to keep the carrier in quiet place, but DO NOT let your pet out as they may fly away in the confusion.

Lizards should be treated like birds.

Snakes should be put in a pillowcase when they are evacuated. You will need to put them in a more secure place when you reach the evacuation site. If your snake requires regular feeding, carry food with you. And take a water bowl large enough for soaking your snake as well as a heating pad.

Pocket pets, like hamsters or gerbils, should be moved in their secure cages or carriers. Take bedding materials, food bowls and water bottles.

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