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FY 2008 Infrastructure Protection Activities Grant Program

Below details the information for Fiscal Year 2008.  For Fiscal Year 2009, the grants have been renamed to Preparedness Grants and contain slightly different programs.  More information is available at FEMA:

FY 2009 Preparedness Grants (PDF, 22 pages - 149 KB)
FY 2009 Preparedness Grants (TXT)

Overview FY 2008 Allocations

The Infrastructure Program Activities (IPA) grant progam supports the protection of critical infrastructure, such as ports, mass transit, highways, rail transportation, etc. that are vital to the nation's economy.   The Department is making approximately $844 million in grants available through the fiscal year (FY) 2008 Infrastructure Protection Activities to safguard the surface transportation system. These activities are comprised of five separate grant programs:

  • Transit Security Grant Program (TSGP)
    • Freight Rail Security Grant Program (FRSGP)
    • Intercity Passenger Rail (Amtrak)
  • Port Security Grant Program (PSGP)
  • Intercity Bus Security Grant Program (IBSGP)
  • Trucking Security Program (TSP)
  • Buffer Zone Protection Program (BZPP)

Together, these grants fund a range of preparedness activities, including strengthening infrastructure against explosive attacks, preparedness, planning, equipment purchase, training, exercises, and security management and administration costs.

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Grant Funding Distribution: FY 2007 and FY 2008

Fiscal year 2008 Infrastructure Protection Awards reporesent a 29 percent increase from last year.

IPA Program

FY 2007

FY 2008

Transit Security Grant Program*



    Freight Rail Security Grant Program



    Intercity Passenger Rail (Amtrak)



Port Security Grant Program



Intercity Bus Security Grant Program



Trucking Security Program



Buffer Zone Protection Program






*The Freight Rail Security Grant Program and Intercity Passenger Rail (Amtrak) program are components of the Transit Security Grant Program. 
**A separate solicitation in the amount of $8,500,000 for TSGP Tier II entities will be available in summer 2008

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Funding History

Port Security Grant Program (PSGP) funding decreased from FY 2003 levels during FY 2004 and FY 2005 but have been climbing steadily ever since with FY 2008 grants totaling $388.6 million.  The Department has provided nearly $1.5 million in PSGP grants since 2003. 

The Transit Security Grant Program (TSGP) has shown a steady increase since FY 2005 with $380.1 million in grants in FY 2008.  The Department has provided roughly $921 million in TSGP grants since 2005. 

historical funding levels PSGP FY 2003: $168,924,136 FY 2004: $228,355,122 FY 2005: $141,969,968   FY 2006: $168,052,500 FY 2007: $312,269,796 FY 2008: $388,600,000 historical funding levels TSGP FY 2005: $134,144,237 FY 2006: $135,998,093 FY 2007: $271,180,207  FY 2008: 380.1 million

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This page was last reviewed/modified on April 8, 2009.