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Only You Can Prevent Wild Fires

Wildfire is one of the most destructive natural forces on the planet. While sometimes caused by lightning, most wildfires -- nine out of 10 – are caused by people. An average of 106,000 wildfires break out each year in the U.S. These fires consume an average of 4 million acres! But in 2000, 7.5 million acres burned in the U.S. That is an area about the size of Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Delaware combined!

Wildfire experts say there are four reasons why wildfires happen more often now.

  1. The way forests were handled in the past allowed fuel in the form of fallen leaves, branches and plant growth, to accumulate. This fuel “feeds” a wildfire.
  2. Increasingly hot, dry weather in the U.S.
  3. Changing weather patterns across the country
  4. More homes built in the areas called the wildland/urban interface, meaning homes are built closer to wildland areas where wildfires can occur.

Remember what Smokey the Bear says: Only you can prevent forest fires. Wild fires can be prevented by:

  1. Not smoking or by being careful with cigarettes in the outdoors. They should be carefully extinguished and disposed of.
  2. Not parking cars or trucks on dry grass.
  3. Knowing your county’s outdoor burning regulations and never burning trash in an unlawful manner
  4. Inspecting your campsite when you leave to ensure your camp fire is out.
  5. Never taking burning sticks out of a fire
  6. Never taking any type of fireworks on public land
  7. Keeping stoves, lanterns and heaters away from things that can catch on fire
  8. Storing containers with flammable liquids in a safe place
  9. Never using stoves, lanterns or heaters inside of a tent.

How can you help forests that have burned? There is a special program supported by the U.S. Forest Service. Click here for more information

To learn more about wildfires, go to these sites:

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