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NIDA/SAMHSA Blending Initiative

Blending initiative graphicShort-Term Opioid Withdrawal Using Buprenorphine: Findings and Strategies from a NIDA Clinical Trials Network (CTN) Study

Primary Goal:

The key purpose of these Blending Team products is to instruct treatment providers about a unique, 13-day buprenorphine intervention for opioid dependent patients. To test its effectiveness, he NIDA CTN protocol compared this 13-day buprenorphine taper intervention to an alternative treatment (clonidine detoxification) in both inpatient and outpatient settings. In contrast with the clonidine treatment group, patients who received buprenorphine provided more opioid negative urine samples upon completion of the intervention.

Blending Initiative - Slides
Blending Initiative - brochure cover
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Blending Team products include:

  • 4-hour classroom training providing instruction on using Buprenorphine for opioid dependent patients
  • PowerPoint slides and CD
  • Brochure

All of these products have been completed and are available at: http://bupdetox.nattc.org/

Products Completed and Released: 2006

To obtain an overview about this Blending Team, objectives and products, download the brochure.

Blending Team Members:

Gregory Brigham, Ph.D.
Judith Harrer, Ph.D.
Dennis McCarty, Ph.D.

Thomas Freese, Ph.D. (Lead)
Beth Finnerty, M.P.H.
Kay Gresham Morrison, L.C.S.W.
Susan Storti, Ph.D.

Walter Ling, M.D.

Blending Initiative:

Need a drug treatment referral call 1.800.662.4357

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