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Douglas Gore

Acting Administrator, Region VIII

Photo of Douglas Gore

Douglas Gore was appointed Acting Regional Administrator of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Region VIII Denver office in January 2009. As Acting Regional Administrator, he is responsible for coordinating FEMA emergency preparedness, mitigation, and disaster response and recovery activities in the states of Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming.

Gore has served his entire federal career in emergency management. After completing his Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Geography with an emphasis in geographic planning at Brigham Young University, Gore worked for a year in support of local governments as a community planner for the Southeastern Utah Association of Governments.  In 1977, he began his federal career as a Flood Insurance Specialist with the Federal Insurance Administration (FIA) in Denver.

In 1979, the FIA became a part of the newly formed FEMA and Gore continued to work with the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).  During the late 1970s and the 1980s he was part of the initial effort to implement flood insurance mapping and to assist local jurisdictions in developing local flood plain management programs.

In 1991, he was named director of the National Technological Hazards Division and later became director of the Mitigation Division at Region VIII.   During the 1990s, Mitigation programs grew in significance and began to address post-disaster and multi-hazard issues.

Throughout his career, Gore has provided leadership to FEMA disaster operations.  In this role, he has served as the President's Federal Coordinating Officer (FCO) and as the Deputy Federal Coordinating Officer for Mitigation.

Gore became Deputy Regional Director in 1995, coordinating the day-to-day operations of FEMA Region VIII, and has served as Acting Regional Administrator on previous occasions when the Regional Administrator's office was vacant.

Last Modified: Friday, 30-Jan-2009 11:31:15 EST