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Region VI

Serving AR, LA, NM, OK, TX

What We Do

Region VI provides assistance to the South Central Region of the United States. The States in Region VI are Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. We also provide assistance to 66 federally-recognized Tribal Nations.

Our mission is to reduce the loss of life and property and protect institutions from all types of hazards by leading and supporting the Nation in a comprehensive, risk-based all-hazards emergency management program of mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery.  Our staff of 100 full-time employees is located in Denton, Texas. During Presidentially declared disasters, the Region also draws on a cadre of over 500 Disaster Assistance Employees (DAEs) or "reservists."

Additionally, Region VI is one of only five regions that house Mobile Emergency Response detachments. The Denton Mobile Emergency Response Support (MERS) provides mobile telecommunications, operational support, life support, and power generation assets allowing on-site management of disaster and all-hazard activities.

Who We Are

Acting Regional Administrator: Gary Jones

Acting Deputy Regional Administrator: Tony Robinson
Acting Director Disaster Assistance Division: Mark Price
Acting Director Disaster Operations Division: Kenneth Clark
Acting Director of Office of Management: Dennis Lee
Federal Preparedness Coordinator: Robert Hendrix

Region VI Contact Information
State Offices and Agencies of Emergency Management

Last Modified: Friday, 27-Feb-2009 09:35:50 EST