

FEMA's region IX office serves a culturally diverse population in excess of 36 million people and covers 386,000 square miles with a breadth of more than 8,000 miles. Adam DuBrowa/FEMAThe Office of the Regional Director has a specific Congressional & Intergovernmental Affairs Liaison dedicated to working with Members of Congress, their staff and other state and local elected officials and staff. The Congressional & Intergovernmental Liaison represents congressional concerns to Region IX senior management, assists congressional offices with disaster casework, informs congressional offices of FEMA disaster related activities occurring in their Congressional District, advises congressional offices on all FEMA related matters and assists them in resolving FEMA related matters.

Congressional & Intergovernmental Affairs Liaison

The FEMA Region IX Congressional & Intergovernmental Affairs Liaison is Mr. Casey De Shong. He has held this position since 2002. Prior to transferring to the FEMA Region IX Office, he spent four years working at FEMA’s Headquarters in Washington, DC within the Office of Legislative Affairs.


This webpage has been established to provide Members of Congress, their staff and other state and locally elected officials with one source of information on FEMA activities.


Casey De Shong,
Congressional & Intergovernmental Affairs Liaison
FEMA Region IX
1111 Broadway, Suite 1200
Oakland, CA 94607

Last Modified: Wednesday, 31-Jan-2007 14:28:40 EST