Homeowners insurance provides coverage in the event of damage to your property, as well as liability for injuries and damage you cause to other people. The homeowners insurance section of the I.I.I. Web site can help you make the right choices about this important form of protection for you and your family.

Q: I left my wedding ring on the bathroom sink this weekend and, from what we've been able to determine, my 7 year-old daughter was wearing it while going to the bathroom, it fell into the toilet and she flushed it. Will my homeowners policy cover any portion of it so that I can try to replace it?
A: The good news is that your ring is at least partially covered under a standard homeowners policy. The bad news is that if you did not have an endorsement specifically covering the ring--or other valauable jewelry--your coverage limit is probably $1,000-$2,000 (depending on the company), minus your deductible. In other words, the loss is covered, but the net result may or may not be worth the effort. Note that you will need to prove the value of the ring, and your insurance company may ask you to report the incident to the police, despite the fact it was not a theft.
Download the I.I.I.'s free home inventory software. Visit Know Your Stuff!
This checklist prepares home buyers with the information they need in purchasing a new home.
Video: How much do you know about homeowners insurance?


What is homeowners insurance? 
What is in a standard homeowners insurance policy? 
Are there different types of policies? 
What type of insurance do I need for a co-op or condo? 
Does my homeowners insurance cover flooding? 
What type of disasters are covered? 
Can I own a home without homeowners insurance? 
Can I get insurance if I rent my home? 
How do I take a home inventory and why? 
What's the difference between cancellation and nonrenewal? 

VNR: College Students Quiz

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How much homeowners insurance do I need? 
Do I need special coverage for jewelry and other valuables?  
I’m installing a pool—what kind of insurance do I need? 
Where can I buy insurance? 
How do I pick an insurance company? 
How much will it cost? 
How can I save money? 
What does my credit rating have to do with purchasing insurance? 
What information do I need to provide to my agent? 
What if I can't get coverage? 
How often should I review my policy? 
Should I purchase an umbrella liability policy? 

VNR: Preventing Losses

Media Player: Dialup, Broadband
Real Player: Dialup, Broadband

How do I file a homeowners claim? 
How does the payment process work? 
How is the settlement amount determined? 
What can I do if I am having trouble settling my claim? 
What is a public adjuster? 
How can I avoid scams after a disaster? 

VNR: Home Inventory

Media Player: Dialup, Broadband
Real Player: Dialup, Broadband

Insurance Company Claims Filing Telephone Numbers 
Dog Bite Liability 
Lightning Safety 
Surviving severe cold weather 
Grilling safety 
Home security 
Lawnmower safety 
Pool safety 
Protecting your house from mold 
Protecting your bike from theft 
Remodeling your home 
Winter weather preparation 
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I.I.I. president testifies on credit-based insurance scores: Many consumers raise their scores during downturn.
Is your business insured for flood loss? Floods can happen any time, any where, so be prepared. (Also in Spanish)