Making your property less susceptible to future losses
Mitigation programs protect people and reduce property and economic losses when disasters occur. These programs provide technical and financial assistance to States and local jurisdictions throughout the disaster life-cycle.
FEMA's How-to Series
The FEMA How-To Series instructs property owners and contractors about construction techniques to protect your property, home or business from various disasters with short, easy-to-understand pamphlets.
FEMA's Risk Management Series
The Risk Management Series (RMS) is directed at providing design guidance for mitigating multihazard events. The series includes a large cadre of manmade disaster publications directed at strengthening the building inventory to reduce the potential impact from the forces that might be anticipated in a terrorist assault.
Mitigation Best Practices and Case Studies
The Mitigation Best Practices Portfolio and Case Studies are a collection of illustrated stories, ideas, activities, and projects that show how individuals and communities have worked to reduce or prevent damage from disasters.
More Information on Protecting Your Property.
Last Modified: Monday, 23-Mar-2009 15:36:32 EDT