The Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program (CSEPP) is a unique partnership between FEMA and the U.S. Army, given FEMA's long-standing experience in preparing for and dealing with all types of emergencies and the U.S. Army's role as custodian of the U.S. chemical stockpile. Since 1988, FEMA and the U.S. Army have assisted communities surrounding the eight chemical stockpile sites to enhance their abilities to respond to the unlikely event of a chemical agent emergency. This success of CSEPP initiatives depends on the productive working partnerships enjoyed by federal, state, and local jurisdictions involved in the program.
More background information
As with other FEMA emergency preparedness programs, CSEPP is administered through the states. FEMA distributes funds to the states under cooperative agreements based on an annual work plan negotiated between the states and FEMA regional offices. States are then responsible for financial accountability and observing federal grant management rules, and they provide quarterly financial and performance reports addressing the capability improvement realized through these funds.
CSEPP communities have been recognized nationally for their abilities to respond to emergencies of all kinds. In the fifteen years since its inception, CSEPP has become a leader in providing community education and emergency preparedness resources. Many of the lessons learned in CSEPP are used in industry, and CSEPP enjoys partnerships with other public safety organizations to ensure that the knowledge gained through prudent use of taxpayer dollars has the greatest benefit for the most people. CSEPP has provided funding and technical assistance to:
The goal of CSEPP is a ready public that is prepared to act in the unlikely event of a chemical emergency. Until the chemical stockpile is safely destroyed, CSEPP will continue to support efforts to ensure that communities have the knowledge and resources they need to keep themselves safe.
More information on community planning
CSEPP Planners' web site
Oak Ridge National Laboratories Studies on CSEPP Topics
State CSEPP sites
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Last Modified: Monday, 29-Oct-2007 15:07:13 EDT