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New Scientific and Medical Sites - October 2008

Genetics, Infectious Diseases
ARDB - Antibiotic Resistance Genes Database

Non-Federal Website: ARDB is a service of the Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology at the University of Maryland. As its creators explain in the website Introduction, "In order to facilitate identification and characterization of antibiotic resistance genes, we have created a manually curated database (ARDB) unifying most of the publicly available resistance genes and related information." The database contains resistance information for about 13,300 genes.

Health Care Quality and Evaluation, Health Care Services
HCUP-US Databases
HCUP is the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project, a Federal-State-Industry partnership sponsored by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. The HCUP databases provide patient-level healthcare data at the national level (Nationwide Inpatient Sample and Kids' Inpatient Database) and state level (State Inpatient Databases, State Ambulatory Surgery Databases, and State Emergency Department Databases). Examples of data include primary and secondary diagnoses and procedures; admission and discharge status; patient demographics; total charges and expected payment source; length of stay; and characteristics of the hospital. The databases are available for purchase through the HCUP Central Distributor. Free access to HCUP data is available through HCUPnet, an online query service.

Infectious Diseases
Pandemic Influenza Storybook

Created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Storybook contains first-person and family member accounts of the 1918 and 1957 influenza pandemics, with stories from 1968 to be added. The site includes story submission forms and links to The Great Pandemic: The United States in 1918-1919 and

Sci Tech (Misc.)

Non-Federal Website: A medical RSS feed aggregator, MedWorm monitors more than 6,000 data sources; organizes relevant news items by topic (Medical Conditions, Cancers, Infectious Diseases, Procedures, Drugs, Therapies, Vaccines, and Education); and distributes the news via RSS feeds. Each topic has a more detailed subject breakdown, with Medical Conditions covering about 400 categories from abdominal aortic aneurysm to Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome.

To view the complete list of resources alphabetically by title, go to Research Tools > Internet Resources. You may also use the NIH Library Subject Search.




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