STATUS SNAPSHOT Gulf Coast Relocation Update Relocation Update As of: 2000 hrs., April 09, 2009 As of: 2000 hrs., April 09, 2009 Aggregate Households Gulf-Wide That Received Temporary Housing 137,301 households received FEMA-provided temporary housing units in the Gulf Coast. Current Households Gulf-Wide Receiving Temporary Housing 5,442 households currently occupy FEMA-provided temporary housing units in the Gulf Coast. LA91,89167% MS45,41033% PM3,7073% MH10,8488% TT122,74689% Commercial12,5589% Industrial3,1922% Group11,8429% Private109,70980% Relocation Status On a daily basis, FEMA case managers actively call and visit households to encourage them to relocate to hotel/motel, and/or alternate housing. The chart below tracks progress over the last four weeks with the previous two months also displayed for comparative purposes. Household Relocation Progress7,5386,4905,7025,5185,3268,3667,1776,3426,1415,9375,7655,6395,49951606839393939395455535585725845896277605,0474,9155,16 01,0002,0003,0004,0005,0006,0007,0008,0009,00010,0001-Jan-091-Feb-091-Mar-091-Apr-09Remaining Numberof HouseholdsGroup SitesCommercial SitesPrivate SitesTotal Households have several options when relocating from Temporary Housing Units including: move immediately into a Hotel/Motel for health concerns, be processed for rental assistance through HUD’s Disaster Housing Assistance Program, or receive a Mississippi Cottage through the Alternative Housing Pilot Program. The chart below represents the relocation decisions each household has made to date. Relocation Progress Louisiana Mississippi Total Hotel/Motel - Cumulative 2,407 1,376 3,783 Current Households Moved to Hotel/Motel * 86 88 174 Rental Assistance - CLC and DHAP 12,552 2,994 15,546 Left Program 73,281 37,455 110,736 Moved to AHPP 0 2,825 2,825 Returned to DD 2,545 33 2,578 Total 88,464 43,395 131,859 *—The current number, instead of the total number, is captured as to not duplicate household numbers. Once a household moves out of the hotel/motel, their final housing option will be captured.