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Introducing the New QUOSA™ Version 8: November 14, 1:30 – 2:30 p.m., Lipsett Amphitheater, Building 10

Join Zenon Cuper, Director of Customer Services, Quosa, Inc., for a tour of the latest release of QUOSA Information Manager, followed by a reception in the lobby of Lipsett Amphitheater. This presentation is sponsored by the NIH Library as part of its Resource Training program on current research tools.

What is QUOSA?
QUOSA is a tool for downloading, organizing, and searching the full text of PDFs retrieved from PubMed®, Web of Science®, Google™ Scholar, PsycINFO®, CINAHL®, and other databases.

What are the features of QUOSA Version 8?

  • QUOSA toolbar for Firefox®.
  • Expanded citation and annotation function.
  • Ability to edit annotations/citations for selected articles.
  • Exporting from search folders.
  • Drag & drop from My Folders and My Searches into Windows folders.
How can I confirm that I have access to QUOSA?
QUOSA software is available only through an individual’s or Institute’s purchase of a seat. Several NIH Institutes have purchased seats; check with your administrative officer (AO) to see if you have access.

Is registration required to attend the presentation?
Registration is not required.

How do I request reasonable accommodations?
To request Sign Language Interpreters and other reasonable accommodations, please contact the NIH Library Information Desk at 301-496-1080 five business days in advance. For TDD users/callers, please call the above number through the Federal Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339.

I cannot attend the seminar. May I view a webcast?
Yes, the webcast will be available through NIH Videocasting.

Where can I learn more about QUOSA?
See the QUOSA website at

What support for QUOSA does the NIH Library provide?
The NIH Library sponsors classes and in-person tutorials for QUOSA. See the NIH Library website for upcoming classes and register for a tutorial through the Request a Tutorial webpage. For additional information, contact Reference & Information Services at 301-496-1080 or email

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EndNote Web: Using EndNote from Anywhere   
May 06  
PubMed: Understanding the Basics   
May 06  
Web Search: Thinking Beyond Google   
May 21  
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