N C C A M: The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Expanding horizons of health care

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February Is American Heart Month

Keywords: cardiovascular, health

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and is a major cause of disability. The most common heart disease in the United States is coronary heart disease, which often appears as a heart attack. In 2008, an estimated 770,000 Americans will have a new coronary attack, and about 430,000 will have a recurrent attack. About every 26 seconds, an American will have a coronary event, and about one every minute will die from one. (CDC)

To ensure safe and coordinated care, people should talk to their health care providers about any CAM therapy that they are currently using or considering. It is important not to replace conventional medical therapy for heart disease with an unproven CAM therapy.

Clinical Trials

Selected Publications by NCCAM grantees

NCCAM has funded many basic and clinical studies related to heart disease. These articles are examples of the breadth of research the Center supports. To find more articles by NCCAM grantees, search PubMed.

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