Cognitive Neuroscience Study Section [COG]

[COG Membership Roster] [COG Meeting Rosters]

The Cognitive Neuroscience [COG] Study Section reviews a broad range of applications on the neurobiological mechanisms and principles underlying cognitive functions other than learning and memory. Particular emphasis is placed on studies that directly relate behavioral/cognitive processes to their neural substrates. Multiple approaches and methodologies are appropriate including electrophysiology, anatomy, EEG, fMRI, MEG, psychophysics, behavioral testing, pharmacological intervention and theoretical/computational modeling. Specific areas covered by COG:

  • Perception and sensory motor integration: pattern and object recognition in all sensory domains, multi-sensory integration, cross-modal plasticity, decision-making and motor planning.
  • Attention: influences of attention on information flow within the brain in human and animal studies.
  • Language and speech perception: cortical function in language and speech represented in neural activity.
  • Other cognitive functions: executive processes, conscious versus non-conscious processing, imagery, hemispheric specialization, and emotional and motivational processes that influence cognitive function.

The study sections with most closely related areas of similar science listed in rank order are:

Cognition and Perception Study Section [CP]
Central Visual Processing Study Section [CVP]
Auditory System Study Section [AUD]
Sensorimotor Integration Study Section [SMI]
Language and Communication Study Section [LCOM]


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Last updated: March 21, 2009

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