Gene and Drug Delivery Systems Study Section [GDD]

[GDD Membership Roster] [GDD Meeting Rosters]

The Gene and Drug Delivery Systems (GDD) study section considers grant applications focused on the development and delivery of drugs, genes, and gene products that alter gene function or expression in the living organism. Research grant applications driven by bioengineering principle, design, or validation, but not necessarily driven by hypothesis, are expected.

Specific areas covered by GDD include:

  • Delivery of nucleic acids, peptide/protein complexes, vaccines, genes, small molecules, antibiotics and other drugs and biomaterials.
  • Delivery vehicles including viruses, liposomes, vesicles, nanoparticles, biomaterials, and cells.
  • Delivery strategies including electroporation, ultrasound, light, and ballistic methods.
  • Study of the physiological barriers to delivery (e.g., membrane, tissue, cellular, trafficking, physical).
  • Studies of the interactions of delivery vehicles, devices, and/or payloads with the immune system.

Study sections with most closely related areas of similar science listed in rank order are:
Biomaterials and Biointerfaces (BMBI)
Nanotechnology (NANO)
Developmental Therapeutics (DT)
Microscopic Imaging (MI)
Vaccines Against Microbial Diseases (VMD)

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Last updated: May 05, 2009

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