New Therapeutic Approaches to Genetic Diseases Study Section Begins in Feb

A new study section named Therapeutic Approaches to Genetic Diseases (TAG), will be accepting applications starting with the February 5, 2009 receipt date.


The new study section will cover applications that propose development of gene and cellular therapies for all diseases.  Further, it also will review applications investigating the pathogenesis of genetic diseases.


The TAG study section will replace and extend beyond the Gene Therapy and Inborn Errors (GTIE) standing special emphasis panel. GTIE has been running as a standing special emphasis panel for the last five years with limited guidelines.  After consideration by a workgroup of scientists in the appropriate fields of study and by the NIH Peer Review Advisory Committee, it was determined that a new study section should be chartered with broader guidelines and a greater scope beyond inborn errors of metabolism.   


This just one of many ways the NIH Center for Scientific Review is working to realign our peer review groups to ensure they are well balanced and in sync with evolving science.


More information on this new study section is available on our Web site, where you will find a full description and a provisional roster.  If you have questions about the TAG study section, please contact its Scientific Review Officer, Dr. Richard, 301 435 1741.




Center for Scientific Review

National Institutes of Health

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

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