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NIDCR Guidelines for the Recovery Act Limited Competition: Supporting New Faculty Recruitment to Enhance Research Resources through Biomedical Research Core Centers (P30)


NIDCR Guidelines for the P30 FOA

This NIH Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), supported by funds provided to the NIH under the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009, Public Law 111-5, invites applications from U.S academic institutions/organizations to support the hiring of newly-recruited faculty to develop research projects within the context of Biomedical Core Centers.  For this announcement, a Biomedical Core Center is defined as a community of multidisciplinary researchers focusing on areas of biomedical research relevant to NIH, such as centers, departments, programs, and/or trans-departmental collaborations or consortia. These awards are designed to enhance innovative programs of excellence by providing scientific and programmatic support for promising research faculty and their areas of research.  Specifically for the purposes of this announcement, Core Center Grants are institutional awards that provide funding to hire, provide appropriate start-up packages, and develop pilot research projects for newly independent investigators, with the goal of augmenting and expanding the institution’s community of multidisciplinary researchers focusing on areas of biomedical research relevant to NIH. 

This initiative is one of several being offered by NIDCR to help fulfill the goals of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) to help stimulate the economy through support of biomedical and behavioral research. Additional information about the Recovery Act and related NIH opportunities is available through the Office of Extramural Research.  Please refer to for more information on ARRA sponsored opportunities. 

Areas of Scientific Priority:

The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) offers the P30 Core Center Grant program to encourage US dental training institutions to enhance research capacity by developing Core Centers and hiring new faculty to conduct research in social, behavioral, biomedical, and biological science fields relevant to the NIDCR Strategic Plan

Funding Priorities:

Only U.S. dental training institutions are eligible to apply to NIDCR for this award.

NIDCR expects to make 4-7 awards and to devote up to $10 million in direct costs over a period of 2 years to the P30 program.

Budgets for direct costs of up to $500,000 per year and project duration of up to two years may be requested, for a maximum of $1,000,000 direct costs over a two-year project period.

Highest program priority will be given to applications that confirm an institutional commitment to provide at least two additional years of salary and protected research support after the end of the award.

Additional Information: 

Only one application per institution may be submitted to NIDCR. 

New faculty hires must receive an independent, tenure-track appointment, with at least 75% protected time for research activities.  NIDCR requires that any faculty members hired under this initiative receive joint appointment(s) with other academic unit(s) at the applicant institution, allowing new faculty to access University-wide research resources and core facilities, and to serve as mentors for graduate programs affiliated with other academic unit(s).

The terms of the Notice of Grant Award will include a requirement that the NIDCR Project Officer must review recruitment plans and draft offer letters to insure that they are consistent with the requirements and goals of this FOA.

Key Dates: 

  • Letter of Intent Receipt Date:  April 29, 2009
  • Application Receipt Date:  May 29, 2009
  • Peer Review Date:  July, 2009
  • Council Review Date:  August, 2009
  • Earliest Anticipated Start Date:  September 30, 2009

Contact Information:

Program Contact:
Kevin S. Hardwick, DDS, MPH
Chief, Research Training and Career Development Branch
Phone: 301-594-2765

Review contact:
Lynn Mertens King, PhD
Chief, Scientific Review Branch
Phone: 301-594-5006

Grants Management Contact:
Mary Daley
Chief, Grants Management Branch
Phone: 301-594-4808


This page last updated: April 02, 2009