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Protein Resources

Database of Interacting Proteins (DIP) | UCLA
Data on experimentally determined interactions between proteins. DIP combines information from a variety of sources to create a single, consistent set of protein-protein interactions. The data stored within the DIP database was manually curated by subject experts and also automatically using computational approaches.

Database: IntAct provides a freely available, open source database system and analysis tools for protein interaction data. All interactions are derived from literature curation or direct user submissions and are freely available.

is a centralized, standards compliant, public data repository for proteomics data. It has been developed to provide the proteomics community with a public repository for protein and peptide identifications together with the evidence supporting these identifications.

ExPASy Proteomics Server | Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB)
allows users to browse through a number of databases, such as Swiss-Prot, PROSITE, SWISS-2DPAGE, SWISS-3DIMAGE, ENZYME, as well as other cross-referenced databases.

GFS Web | Giddings Lab at UNC
Web-based tool that maps peptide mass fingerprint data directly to their genomic origin, allowing for genome-based, annotation-independent protein identification.

Proteomic Standards Initiative | Human Proteome Organisation's (HUPO)
The HUPO Proteomics Standards Initiative (PSI) defines community standards for data representation in proteomics to facilitate data comparison, exchange and verification.

Human Protein Reference Database (HPRD) | PadyLab and Institute of Bioinformatics
HPRD contains annotations to human proteins based on experimental evidence.

InterProScan | EMBL-EBI
InterPro is a collaborative project aimed to provide a unique, non- redundant characterization of a given protein family, domain or functional site. InterProScan is a extensible search interface for search InterPro.

Mascot | Matrix Science
Mascot is a search engine which uses mass spectrometry data to identify proteins from primary sequence databases. There are three different search methods for searching Mascot:

  1. Peptide Mass Fingerprint in which the only experimental data are peptide mass values
  2. Sequence Query in which peptide mass data are combined with amino acid sequence and composition information. A super-set of a sequence tag query
  3. MS/MS Ion Search using uninterpreted MS/MS data from one or more peptides

MINT | University of Rome Tor Vergata
The Molecular INTeraction database contains information about molecular interactions of proteins by extracting experimental details from work published in peer-reviewed journals. Genetic or computationally inferred interactions are not included in the database.

Protein Data Bank | Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics (RCSB)
Tool that provides a variety of tools and resources for studying the structures of biological macromolecules and their relationships to sequence, function, and disease.

ProtScal | EXPASY
Allows users to compute and represent (in the form of a two-dimensional plot) the profile produced by any amino acid scale on a selected protein.

Protein Structure Prediction Server (PSIPRED) | Department of Computer Science at University College London (UCL)
Web-based tool from that allows a user to submit a protein sequence, perform a prediction and receive the results of the prediction via e-mail.

Protein Prospector | UCSF Mass Spectrometry Facility
Proteomics tools for mining sequence database using data from Mass Spectrometry experiments.

Structural Classification of Proteins (SCOP) | Berkeley
Manually curated database that seeks to provide a detailed and comprehensive description of the structural and evolutionary relationships between all proteins whose structure is known. As such, it provides a broad survey of all known protein folds, detailed information about the close relatives of any particular protein, and a framework for future research and classification.

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EndNote Web: Using EndNote from Anywhere   
May 06  
PubMed: Understanding the Basics   
May 06  
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May 21  
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