Genetic and Genomic Hematology Research : NIDDK

Genetic and Genomic Hematology Research

Specific areas include:

  • Development and application of genomic and genetic tools relevant to the understanding and treatment of hematologic diseases.
  • Genomic analysis of hematopoiesis and hematopoietic tissues across species.
  • Development of genetically modified model organisms relevant to understanding hematopoietic and erythropoietic diseases.
  • Development and application of genomic mapping techniques to identify disease modifying genes that affect the expression of inherited and acquired hematologic diseases.
  • Design and development of gene targeting techniques to correct gene mutations or selectively modify gene expression for the treatment of hematologic diseases.

For more information, contact Dr. Daniel Wright, or Dr. Terry Bishop, Directors, Hematology Research Programs.

Resources for Researchers

Clinical Research


  • Centers of Excellence in Molecular Hematology - Overview & Map

Related Study Sections


See Also

Funding Opportunities

Funding for Special Communities


Related Reports

Committees and Advisory Groups

Related Organizations

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Page last updated: April 09, 2009

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