Kong Y Chen, Ph.D. : NIDDK

Kong Y Chen, Ph.D.

NIDDK, National Institutes of Health
Building 10-CRC, Room 5-3671
10 Center Dr.
Bethesda, MD 20892-1613
Tel: 301-451-1636
Fax: 301-480-4517
Email: chenkong@niddk.nih.gov

Education / Previous Training and Experience:
Ph.D., Vanderbilt University, 1997
M.S., Vanderbilt University, 2002

Research Statement:

Dr. Kong Chen is interested in how energy balances impact human nutrition and diseases.

He joined the NIDDK in 2006 after serving as Director of the Energy Balance Core Lab and Human Metabolism and Exercise Physiology Lab at Vanderbilt University.

Dr. Chen has focused in the measurements of energy metabolism using whole-room indirect calorimeters (metabolic chambers). Such a system can be coupled with movement sensors to provide a similar-to-free-living environment where a study subject or patient’s energy expenditure, substrate oxidation, physical activities are accurately measured in a minute-by-minute basis up to 24 hours. Dr. Chen and his lab are also investigating the physiological regulations of energy metabolism in lean and obese individuals, as well as improving the technologies for measuring body composition and physical activity.

Some of his current projects include collaborations in the clinical studies which follow.

Selected Publications:

1. Huizinga MM, Shintani A, Michon S, Brown A, Wolff K, Shackleford L, King EB, Gregory RP, Davis D, Stiles R, Gebretsadik T, Chen K, Rothman R, Pichert JW, Schlundt D, Elasy TA A randomized controlled trial to prevent glycemic relapse in longitudinal diabetes care: Study protocol (NCT00362193). Implement Sci (1): 24, 2006. [Full Text/Abstract]

2. France DJ, Levin S, Hemphill R, Chen K, Rickard D, Makowski R, Jones I, Aronsky D Emergency physicians'' behaviors and workload in the presence of an electronic whiteboard. Int J Med Inform (74): 827-37, 2005. [Full Text/Abstract]

3. Majchrzak KM, Pupim LB, Chen K, Martin CJ, Gaffney S, Greene JH, Ikizler TA Physical activity patterns in chronic hemodialysis patients: comparison of dialysis and nondialysis days. J Ren Nutr (15): 217-24, 2005. [Full Text/Abstract]

4. Chen KY, Bassett DR Jr The technology of accelerometry-based activity monitors: current and future. Med Sci Sports Exerc (37): S490-500, 2005. [Full Text/Abstract]

5. Flakoll PJ, Kent P, Neyra R, Levenhagen D, Chen KY, Ikizler TA Bioelectrical impedance vs air displacement plethysmography and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry to determine body composition in patients with end-stage renal disease. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr (28): 13-21, 2004. [Full Text/Abstract]

6. Chen KY, Acra SA, Donahue CL, Sun M, Buchowski MS Efficiency of walking and stepping: relationship to body fatness. Obes Res (12): 982-9, 2004. [Full Text/Abstract]

7. Buchowski MS, Acra S, Majchrzak KM, Sun M, Chen KY Patterns of physical activity in free-living adults in the Southern United States. Eur J Clin Nutr (58): 828-37, 2004. [Full Text/Abstract]

8. Buchholz AC, Majchrzak KM, Chen KY, Shankar SM, Buchowski MS Use of air displacement plethysmography in the determination of percentage of fat mass in african american children. Pediatr Res (56): 47-54, 2004. [Full Text/Abstract]

9. Chen KY, Acra SA, Majchrzak K, Donahue CL, Baker L, Clemens L, Sun M, Buchowski MS Predicting energy expenditure of physical activity using hip- and wrist-worn accelerometers. Diabetes Technol Ther (5): 1023-33, 2003. [Full Text/Abstract]

10. Buchowski MS, Chen KY, Byrne D, Wang WC Equation to estimate resting energy expenditure in adolescents with sickle cell anemia. Am J Clin Nutr (76): 1335-44, 2002. [Full Text/Abstract]

11. Buchowski MS, de la Fuente FA, Flakoll PJ, Chen KY, Turner EA Increased bone turnover is associated with protein and energy metabolism in adolescents with sickle cell anemia. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab (280): E518-27, 2001. [Full Text/Abstract]

12. Levenhagen DK, Borel MJ, Welch DC, Piasecki JH, Piasecki DP, Chen KY, Flakoll PJ A comparison of air displacement plethysmography with three other techniques to determine body fat in healthy adults. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr (23): 293-9, 1999. [Full Text/Abstract]

13. Shannon JR, Gottesdiener K, Jordan J, Chen K, Flattery S, Larson PJ, Candelore MR, Gertz B, Robertson D, Sun M Acute effect of ephedrine on 24-h energy balance. Clin Sci (Lond) (96): 483-91, 1999. [Full Text/Abstract]

14. Biaggi RR, Vollman MW, Nies MA, Brener CE, Flakoll PJ, Levenhagen DK, Sun M, Karabulut Z, Chen KY Comparison of air-displacement plethysmography with hydrostatic weighing and bioelectrical impedance analysis for the assessment of body composition in healthy adults. Am J Clin Nutr (69): 898-903, 1999. [Full Text/Abstract]

15. Chen KY, Sun M, Butler MG, Thompson T, Carlson MG Development and validation of a measurement system for assessment of energy expenditure and physical activity in Prader-Willi syndrome. Obes Res (7): 387-94, 1999. [Full Text/Abstract]

16. Buchowski MS, Townsend KM, Chen KY, Acra SA, Sun M Energy expenditure determined by self-reported physical activity is related to body fatness. Obes Res (7): 23-33, 1999. [Full Text/Abstract]

17. Chen KY, Sun M Improving energy expenditure estimation by using a triaxial accelerometer. J Appl Physiol (83): 2112-22, 1997. [Full Text/Abstract]

Clinical Protocols

  • Study of the Phenotype of Overweight and Obese Adults, 07-DK-0077

Page last updated: December 15, 2008

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