Dr. Pamela Starke-Reed : NIDDK

Dr. Pamela Starke-Reed

NIDDK, National Institutes of Health
Building 2DEM, Room 633
6707 Democracy Blvd.
Bethesda, MD 20892
Tel: 301-594-8805
Fax: 301-480-3768
Email: starkep@niddk.nih.gov

Current Position:

Deputy Director,  NIH Division of Nutrition Research Coordination

Current Portfolio/Responsibilities:
Coordination of NIH Nutritional Sciences by maintaining a broad knowledge base of ongoing Nutritional Sciences, Obesity, and Physical Activity research activities at the NIH. Participate as DNRC or NIH representative in NIH, DHHS or interdepartmental Committees dealing with Nutrition, Obesity and Physical Activity programs. Establish and maintain liaison with professional societies and with other federal and non-Federal organizations involved in Nutritional Sciences, Obesity and Physical Activity research and training.

Previous Training and Experience:
PhD, in Pathology, Hahnemann University, Philadelphia (1982-1986) Post Doctoral Position : Laboratory of Biochemistry, NHLBI, (1986- 1989) Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, George Washington University (1989-1991) Program Officer, Biology of Aging Program, NIA Directed the Nutrition and Metabolism; and Protein Structure and Function Portfolios ( 1991-2000) Director, NIA Office of Nutrition (1993-2000)

Committees/ Working Groups:

NIH Nutrition Coordinating Committee (Co-Chair)

NCC International Nutrition research Subcommittee (Executive liaison)

HHS Healthy People 2010 Chapter 19: Overweight and Nutrition (Co-lead)

NIH Prevention Research Coordination Committee (DNRC rep)

Trans-NIH/Agency ODS Dietary Supplement Working Group (DNRC Rep)

OD/OS “I Can Do It, You Can Do It” campaign – (Co-lead for the analysis project)

USDA Human Nutrition Coordinating Committee (NIH representative)

HHS committee on Bioactive Food (DNRC Rep)

Federal Steering Committee Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans (member)

Federal DRI Steering Committee (member)

Federal Steering Committee on Dietary Guidelines for American (NIH rep. final review)

Other Activities:

Editorial Board, Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry

Reviewer:         Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics

           Proceedings of the National Academy of Science

                       Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine

                      The Alzheimer Foundation (grants review)

                        The ALS Foundation (grant review)

Page last updated: September 01, 2007

General inquiries may be addressed to: Office of Communications & Public Liaison
Building 31. Rm 9A06
31 Center Drive, MSC 2560
Bethesda, MD 20892-2560
For information about NIDDK programs: 301.496.3583

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