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Job Descriptions

Computer Scientist

Position Series/number: Computer Science Series, 1550
Grade Scale: GS-9, 11 - 15

Job Description

NIH Computer Scientists design and develop scientific software applications and hardware in a medical and scientific research environment. They are responsible for the application of, or research into, computer science methods and techniques to store, manipulate, transform or present information by means of computer systems. Computer Scientists develop new and improved concepts, principles, and techniques that will advance the body of knowledge of computer science, and adapt and apply advanced computer science methods and techniques to solve complex computer processing requirements. Computer science work requires in-depth knowledge of the theoretical foundations of computer science, including computer system and system software organization, the theoretical models for the representation and transformation of information structures, and knowledge of relevant mathematical and statistical sciences.

Minimum Requirements

How to Apply

Check for open vacancies


This page was last reviewed on April 16, 2009.
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